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Facebook is taking a stand against hate speech in Germany

belgium tells facebook to stop tracking non users all over the internet doesnt want gets taste of its own medicine  forced ha
Despite the great lengths many Americans will go to protect their right to free speech, there are some lines that even Internet companies recognize cannot be crossed. Such is the case in Germany, where an influx of xenophobic and racist messages have recently flooded Facebook in response to the immigration crisis that is sweeping across Europe and making international headlines. Now, after the appearance of a barrage of venomous Facebook tirades aimed against refugees and migrants seeking asylum in Germany, the social media giant is finally taking a stance against such vitriol, and will be working alongside the German Justice Ministry to remove such content.

Following a meeting with Facebook leadership in Berlin, German Justice Minister Heiko Maas said, “The idea is to better identify content that is against the law and remove it faster from the Web.” The government agency will work with Facebook to create a task force whose purpose will be to determine whether certain content should be considered legal under freedom of speech or crosses over into dangerous territory. Moreover, Facebook unveiled further plans to fund campaigns that aim to counter hate speech in general, including counter-messages and anti-hate themes.

Still, Zuckerberg and company, who have maintained a relatively hard-line stance when it comes to protecting the right to free expression in the past, insist that they’re not setting a new precedent or expanding the kinds of content it will remove. In a statement, the company noted, “Facebook believes that the best way to address complex issues like hate speech on the Internet is for companies, NGOs, and politicians to work together sharing their expertise in different aspects of the problem.” Such experts include representatives from “Great Britain and the Nordics,” as Facebook believes that these countries “have great expertise on counter speech [and can] support organizations in Germany to even better use the platform for their initiatives and to enable them to fight against racism and xenophobia with the most possible impact.” After all, the last thing Facebook wants is for people to stop using their platform, even if they’re using it to spew hate.

Maas, however, is concerned that Facebook is quickly becoming a “a fun fair for the far right,” and hopes that measures combatting the problem will be implemented “from now to the end of the year, if possible.”

As Opposition Greens party co-chief Katrin Goering-Eckardt said a few days ago, even free speech “has its limits when it comes to agitation to commit violence, or sickening hate speech.”

Lulu Chang
Former Digital Trends Contributor
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Facebook ad boycotters to Congress: Don’t let Zuckerberg off easy
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The organizers of the #StopHateforProfit Facebook ad boycott have written a letter to the House Judiciary Committee asking the members to particularly press Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg about the company’s alleged monopoly over the advertising sphere.
First reported by Axios, the letter suggests several pointed questions that lawmakers could ask: For instance, what percentage of U.S. digital ad spending runs through Facebook and its subsidiaries, what this means for small and medium businesses, and whether there are any alternatives for advertisers to reach certain demographics with the power and efficiency that Facebook uses. The questions seem intended to get at whether Facebook is truly the monopoly it claims not to be.
In June, several hundred major brands, including Coca-Cola, Unilever, and Starbucks, signed on with activist groups led by Common Sense Media, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and the Anti-Defamation League to remove their ads from Facebook for the month of July. This was an attempt, the groups said, the put pressure on Facebook to change its policies about hate speech and misinformation.

However, Facebook has proven resilient against so many big advertisers leaving its platform. Although MarketWatch reported that its stock tanked briefly in June when the boycott was announced, total ad revenue has remained basically steady throughout the boycott, according to Forbes. The social media giant is set to publish its second-quarter earnings report on Thursday, which should show whether the boycott had any kind of major effect on Facebook's bottom line.

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Sheryl Sandberg: Facebook will make changes to combat hate speech
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Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg said the social network is working to become better at “finding and removing hateful content” amid criticism and a widespread ad boycott over the platform's past policies concerning hate speech. 

In a Facebook post published Tuesday, July 7, Sandberg acknowledged Facebook’s responsibility to combat hate speech. Sandberg said the company plans to meet with civil rights leaders to address these efforts. 

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Stop Hate for Profit, the Facebook ad boycott, starts today. Will it stick?
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Facebook’s ad revenue is around $70 billion annually, according to Reuters. The social media site's reach and power are so great that most advertisers can’t help but incorporate Facebook into their campaigns. But on July 1, a group of activists, backed by major brands, is mounting an initiative to change that with a one-month boycott of advertising on the platform.

Since the announcement of the boycott, Facebook’s stock has already dropped by $56 billion in value. The intended effect has already taken hold. The question now is, what happens after July?

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