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Perceived addiction the reason Facebook users quit, but often return

facebook quitters return smart phone user
Kartik Malik/Flickr
Ever feel like social media is too much to handle, and you just want to call it quits? For all the benefits that Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and hundreds of other social media networks provide, they each come with their own share of downfalls. Most recently, researchers have revealed that social media is to blame for jealousy, anxiety, and depression, as well as many other ailments, with little upside to offer.

It makes sense that users believe stepping away from social networking may be the key to finding the joy and happiness lost pre-Facebook. And, like Ed Sheeran, users often see the light and step away from the Internet with the hope of reestablishing their more-happier lives off-screen. Why, then, does it seem like no one ever leaves permanently, only to return just days after declaring they’re done with social media?

According to a study of 5,000 surveys provided by, Cornell researchers were able to determine four main reasons users return to Facebook, after quitting. One of the primary reasons is perceived addiction in users who feel as though hanging out on Facebook had become a habitual part of their everyday lives. In addition to perceived addiction, researchers found that privacy and surveillance played an important role in determining whether someone returns from their Facebook hiatus. Users who felt like their Facebook activities were being monitored were less likely to return; those who used Facebook to manage how others think were more likely to return. Finally, according to the research, users in good moods were less likely to return to the platform, as well as those who had other social media accounts to fall back on such as Twitter.

However, leaving the platform to return days later isn’t a complete loss. The data also indicated that the break gave many users a chance to analyze the effects — negative or positive — that social media might have on their lives, leading many to adapt their use after returning by uninstalling the apps from their phones or reducing the amount of time they spend online.

Christina Majaski
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Christina has written for print and online publications since 2003. In her spare time, she wastes an exorbitant amount of…
Facebook’s new controls offer more customization of your Feed
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On Wednesday, Facebook parent company Meta announced that the social networking platform is offering two more ways to customize your feed: by selecting "Show more" or "Show less" on individual posts, and by adjusting new settings in Feed Preferences.

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When is the best time to post on Facebook?
A smartphone with the Facebook app icon on it all on a white marble background.

Knowing when to publish your Facebook posts to gain maximum exposure is important if you're trying to bring more attention to your brand or business. But figuring out the best timing can be a bit tricky as there's no real clear-cut answer that works for every Facebook page. And that's because the optimal timing for different Facebook pages will vary depending on the browsing/viewing habits of their respective audiences.

In the guide below, we'll answer a few of your questions about when to post on Facebook (generally), and we'll mention some ways to figure out the best publish times for your specific Facebook page.
Is it better to post in the morning or at night?

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3 reasons why Instagram Reels is failing to compete with TikTok
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Instagram Reels appears to be failing to catch up to TikTok -- that is, according to a recent report published by The Wall Street Journal. The report included an internal document, which contained a summary of "internal Meta research."

How far is Instagram Reels behind? Well, according to the report, Instagram users spent 17.6 million hours watching Reels compared to 198.7 million hours on TikTok. WSJ even reported that Reels engagement was down 13.6% over the last four weeks. Meta disputes the numbers, but it's clear Reels is having a hard time keeping up with TikTok.

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