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Online petition requesting the deportation of Justin Bieber fails


After receiving more than a quarter of a million signatures on the White House’s online petition page, the response from the Executive office was one that side-stepped the intention of the petition. While the White House promised to respond to all petitions that received more than 100,000 signatures, today’s response was obviously non-committal about deporting the young pop star back to Canada. The petition was originally started during late January 2014 when Bieber was arrested in Miami, Florida for drag racing, driving under the influence and resisting arrest.

Specifically, a representative of the White House wrote “Sorry to disappoint, but we won’t be commenting on this one. The We the People terms of participation state that, ‘to avoid the appearance of improper influence, the White House may decline to address certain procurement, law enforcement, adjudicatory, or similar matters properly within the jurisdiction of federal departments or agencies, federal courts, or state and local government in its response to a petition.'” The post then launches into a discussion about border security,legal immigration, citizenship as well as cracking down on employers that hire undocumented workers. 


Interestingly, this isn’t the only public display of Americans wanting to rid the country of Justin Bieber. During the Winter Olympics, a digital billboard in Chicago displayed an image of the American and Canadian hockey teams before the two teams met in the Olympics.

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On the sign, the creator of the image included Bieber’s face and the phrase “Loser Keeps Bieber” at the bottom. Of course, after the Americans lost to Canada in men’s hockey, the billboard displayed an image of a bald eagle wearing a gold “Belieber” necklace with the phrase “Worst Bet Ever” attached to the image.


Bieber has yet to respond to the White House’s response post on his Twitter account. One of the most followed Twitter users, second only to Katy Perry, Justin Bieber’s 51 million followers outpaces other accounts on the social network such as Barack Obama , YouTube , Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Britney Spears, Rhianna, Instagram and Justin Timberlake.

Mike Flacy
By day, I'm the content and social media manager for High-Def Digest, Steve's Digicams and The CheckOut on Ben's Bargains…
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