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Twitter warns its users of possible state-sponsored cyberattacks

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Mark Cuban says Apple should remove Twitter from its App Store for violating policy

Mark Cuban, voicing his thoughts via Twitter, called for the removal of the service's app from the App Store.

Users repurpose Egyptian government's tourism hashtag to voice dissent

An official hashtag created by the Egyptian government to promote tourism has been hijacked by Egyptians to voice their dissent. 
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Twitter takes Turkish government to court over ‘terrorist propaganda’ fine

Turkey's communications watchdog fined Twitter over a failure to remove "terrorist propaganda."
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Tumblr is the first social network to support Live Photo sharing thanks to iOS app update

A new update for the Tumblr iOS app allows users to share Live Photos and view them using 3D Touch capability.
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Facebook is joining Google in open-sourcing its AI hardware

Facebook is following in the footsteps of other tech giants such as Google and Microsoft by open-sourcing its AI hardware server.
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Facebook’s Year in Review is a snapshot of 2015 on the social network


Twitter users without an account will start seeing ads, affecting up to 500 million viewers

Twitter will begin showing ads to the 500 million viewers that don't have an account, as it tries to offer marketers a larger audience for ads.
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Microsoft employees give Live Writer, the beloved blogging app, a open-sourced second chance

Windows Live Writer is a much loved blogging app that Microsoft seemingly abandoned in 2012. It's coming back as the open-source Open Live Writer. 
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Pinterest’s new acquisitions will make it easier to find, buy pins on the app

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Twitter testing timeline changes that see tweets appear in out-of-order format

Twitter users have noticed that tweets on their timeline are appearing in a non-chronological format.
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Viral #whereidrone hashtag is home to the most epic photos shot with drones

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Snapchat is suffering its biggest outage, Google could be to blame

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On Facebook at work? Turns out, that should be the least of employers’ concerns

According to a recent survey conducted by Bamboo HR, technological innovations haven't affected the way in which we steal time from our jobs.
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Bad news for spoilers: Live-tweeting boosts Twitter TV impressions

Live-tweeting during television shows is responsible for 57 percent of TV impressions, according to Nielsen.
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Bored at work? Try chatting with Miss Piggy on Facebook Messenger

If your IMs with your friends leave you wanting a bit more, consider striking up a conversation with Miss Piggy instead.
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For the first time, WNYC just uploaded a brand new podcast episode to Facebook

On Tuesday morning, for what the New York radio station believes is the first time ever, WNYC uploaded a brand new, full episode of the interview podcast Here’s The Thing to the show’s Facebook page. 
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Twitter enhances photo-sharing by uncropping images and improving layouts

Twitter is no longer cropping photos on the desktop version of its service. Larger images can now be displayed without restrictions on users' timelines.
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Facebook shuts down stand-alone app division, killing off Slingshot and others

Facebook has shut down its standalone app division, Creative Labs, killing off all its releases in the process. 
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One Direction had the most retweeted messages of 2015

One Direction's band members dominated Twitter's 2015 most retweeted messages, with the most retweeted message belonging to Harry Styles. 
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#Love dominates Instagram for the third year in a row

For the third year in a row, the most used hashtag on Instagram is #love, which is included in more than 800 million posts on the platform.
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Kazakhstan mandates Internet backdoor, modeled after China’s Great Firewall

Lawmakers in Kazakhstan are forcing Internet users across the country to install a sort of backdoor system which would allow for government surveillance.
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Instagram's most-liked posts of the year dominated by female celebs

Instagram revealed its most popular photos of 2015, with celebs Kendall Jenner and Taylor Swift dominating the list.
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Star Wars: The Force Awakens cast answer fan questions on Twitter

The cast of Star Wars: The Force Awakens took over Twitter to answer fan questions in the run-up to the release of the blockbuster.
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Facebook testing concert ticket sales in San Francisco area via events pages

Facebook has introduced a new e-commerce feature that allows users to buy concert tickets directly from the social network via events pages. 
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Twitter files trademark for commercial rights to the word 'subtweet'

Twitter has filed a trademark registration for the word "subtweet," which refers to a tweet directed at another person without mentioning their Twitter name.
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Revenge porn posted by George Zimmerman got him kicked off Twitter

He may have been acquitted for the murder of Trayvon Martin, but George Zimmerman was just found guilty of breaking Twitter's rules.
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France holds counter-terrorism talks with Twitter, Facebook

France recently held closed-door counter-terrorism talks with Twitter and Facebook. The French government is urging Web giants including Google, Apple, and Microsoft to take action against extremism online.
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Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg explains why he is not giving his $45 billion to charity

Facebook's chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, has defended his philanthropic plans earlier today, revealing where some of the $45 billion will be going. 
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Goodbye fear and anxiety: Use an Internet Purchase Exchange Location to grab your Craigslist bargain

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Pick a smiley face, WhatsApp Android update packs huge new set of emojis

WhatsApp has a released an Android update to its messaging app that includes a host of new emojis.
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Your weather tweets could make the streets (and highways) safer during bad weather


Snapchat’s first breaking news event covers San Bernardino mass shooting

In a first for the messaging app, Snapchat has taken to live news coverage by broadcasting on-the-scene videos and images of the San Bernardino mass shooting.
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Hola, Olá: Facebook Instant Articles now available in Latin America