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facebook testing browse feature lure onto graph search fb

Facebook’s browse feature: an attempt to lure you onto Graph Search

Have you tried Facebook's "browse" option? You get a sampler of potential graph searches, although some may ruin your self-esteem.
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Yahoo’s latest acquisition is Katie Couric – here’s everything you need to know

Katie Couric has accepted a position as Yahoo's new Global Anchor - so what does that even mean?
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Want to follow Bud Light on Twitter? You now have to enter your age

study says facebook can tell youre psychopath fb eye

Loophole lets anyone see part of your Facebook friend list, even if it’s set to private

Facebook doesn't think it's a problem, but your friend list isn't as private as you think it is.
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Twitter gets serious about user privacy with added encryption

Twitter has updated its system with "perfect forward secrecy" encryption to better protect user privacy.
first selfie

Tis a thing of beauty: The first #selfie ever taken

No, it wasn't on Instagram, or anywhere else online. Just consider this self-photographer way ahead of his time.
using data measure breakup quantified

Using data to measure heartbreak is a beautiful bummer

Some people experience breakups and take solace in ice cream tubs and Netflix ... others use data-sets to analyze their post-heartache habits.
1 2 million lawsuit shouldnt steal photos twitter cam

This $1.2 million lawsuit is why you shouldn’t steal photos from Twitter

Two photography agencies took Daniel Morel's photos from Twitter and used them without payment or permission - but now he's getting a $1.2 million payday.
waiting instagrams upcoming private messaging feature couple apps hold instatalks 2

If you can’t wait for Instagram to launch messages, here are a few apps to hold you over

So you're excited about Instagram launching a messaging feature. So excited you can't wait. Well, we've got your back - use these apps until then.
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How to get your guests’ faces out of their phones this Thanksgiving

Sick of dinners where everyone's texting, Instagramming, Facebooking away? Then these tips could help you have a more personable Thanksgiving.
wtf internet online dating now needs red light district its own feature

WTF, Internet? Online dating now needs its own red-light district

WTF, Internet? This week's Web indiscretion comes courtesy of a horrible new trend in dating apps, in which we follow our most basic human instincts.
taxi magic uses social media stand crowd

Taxi Magic is fighting ride-sharing giants like Lyft and Uber with some social media magic

Taxi Magic might be the compromise between upgraded, transportation and licensed cab drivers who've been displaced by this new, emerging market.
instagram messaging sign

Instagram reportedly plans to introduce a messaging feature – what could come next?

A report has surfaced saying that this year, Instagram plans to introduce a messaging feature.
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70 percent of Snapchat’s users are women – so why do ladies love the app so much?

What makes Snapchat women's most beloved messaging app? We turned to social media and our friends for some answers.
facebook takes aim spammers justin bieber and selena gomez

Facebook takes aim at ‘Justin Bieber sex tape’ spammers

Facebook is taking legal action against a spammer, and sending a clear message to would-be malware spreaders: they've got lawyers and will use them.
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Survey: YouTube and Facebook remain hives of online negativity, teens are leading the charge

According to a recent poll commissioned by the Associated Press and MTV, most kids believe it's normal to post insulting comments online.
vine short video app expands globally with support for 19 languages

Vine short-video app expands globally with support for 19 languages

ultravisual instagram competitor beauty side

Ultravisual: an Instagram competitor with beauty on its side

Ultravisual is a new social media-sharing app that stands out from other Instagram competitors because it's damn good-looking.
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College gossip site creator is atoning for his horribleness with an app called Kindr

The creator of a notorious gossip website is now introducing an app to send compliments. Unfortunately, it's a milquetoast effort
oh instagram really think windows phone app ready release

These are the 5 biggest holes in the Instagram for Windows Phone release

Instagram for Windows Phone is finally here ... but a few noteworthy features didn't come along for the ride.
pinterest place pins

Pinterest’s new Place Pins feature helps you plan that dream vacation

Pinterest's new Place Pins feature lets you plan out your dream vacation with maps, photos, and collaboration with friends.
holy bible look like written via tweets twible cover large

The Twible reimagines the greatest story ever told … in tweets

If the language of the Bible left you feeling confused and out of touch with the words, then this Twitter breakdown of the good book might be your speed.

Instagram finally arrives for Windows Phone … with half the features missing

Instagram is finally here for Windows phone Owners. Unfortunately, it's still missing some key features.

A social giving app with a competitive twist uses your enemies’ tweets against them

Sometimes the best motivation is rooted in competition.

Quora caves and partners as a source for link-bait heavy Web publishers

Quora allows some of its most popular Q&As to get incorporated into posts from other media distributors, like Buzzfeed. Who's really benefiting?
twitter finally trying answer question what is

Twitter is finally trying to answer the question ‘What is Twitter?’

Now that Twitter is a public company, it has to define itself so investors understand where their money is going. This video is a first step.
yahoo announces flickr photo books new service hopes usurp instagrams reign printable photos books1

Yahoo announces Flickr Photo Books, so you can print more than your Instagrams

Now Instagram images aren't the only photos you can turn into memorabilia; Flickr is now getting the print treatment too.
new search engine like google social web tumblr mtk67pg5xk1sh8qero1 500

This new search engine is being called ‘the Google of social media’

A new search app called Hshtags searches nearly all of social media-dom by hashtag-specific queries.
twitter acquires zipdial bid expand presence emerging markets timeline

Twitter improves search with new filters for its iOS and Android apps

comes photo uploads snapchat facebook beat 1

Snapchat users share 400 million images a day, as the app surpasses Facebook photo uploads

People are uploading photos to Snapchat like crazy - even more so than Facebook, and way more frequently than they do on Instagram.
real meaning behind viral youtube social media experiment jack vale

YouTuber reveals the motivation and victim reactions behind that Social Media Experiment video

Jack Vale tells us why he made the viral Social Media Experiment YouTube video, as well as the various reactions from his victims.
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The Russians are coming … with a suite of new mobile apps

Russian Web giant has officially launched its base in the U.S. with, and mobile apps that include myMail, myChat, and myGames.
facebook pays 33500 to hacker for finding security bug sign login

Facebook testing new feature to show if you’re at a desktop or on your phone

Wondering what device you friends are using when they're on Facebook? This new feature, currently in testing, will answer that very question.
bitcoin funded assassination market website ben bernanke

Forget Silk Road, Assassination Market is the new ‘deep Web’ nightmare

The 'deep Web' site Assassination Market lets users donate Bitcoin toward the murder-for-hire of world leaders, including President Obama and Ben Bernanke.