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Behold! The first feature-length film made with Instagram videos

You think you love Instagram? This filmmaker is creating her entire feature length picture using nothing but the beloved filter app.
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‘Selfie’ selected as Word of the Year by Oxford Dictionaries

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Skedadel lets you discover cool places through Instagram images

A new app using Instagram images and a unique algorithm wants to help you find the best places in the world.
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This video proves we still don’t understand how much we’re sharing on social networks

This video, called Social Media Experiment, makes it all too clear how easy it is to know a lot about you.
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Everything you need to know about Facebook’s reasserted right to use your content in ads

Facebook took steps to further clarify what it can and can't use in ads - this mostly means it can and it will use whatever it wants.
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First comes Instagram, then comes love: Why Instagram is displacing dating apps

Instagram is connecting more and more people, and challenging dating apps at their own game - is it winning?
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Twitter Alerts launches in UK and Ireland, pushes ‘critical’ tweets to users

Check out the evolution of the Twitter logo

Wonder what Twitter looked like before we all knew what Twitter was? Here are some of the earliest attempts at a logo.
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WTF, Internet? I went Christmas shopping on Pinterest and this is the crap I found

WTF, Internet? This week's Web indiscretion comes courtesy of Pinterest, which you'd think would be a great place to get holiday shopping inspiration ...
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How to start a blog

If you're planning on jumping into the blogosphere, let us help you get started with this guide on the basics of blogging.
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New problem-solver site reveals that Twitter asks a lot of odd questions

This site will help you accomplish your goal of becoming Twitter's best answer-giver.
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Careful – that Facebook friend request could be an invasive debt collector

Debt collectors have been using social media to gather information and harass consumers, but new rules may limit these behaviors.
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Put your own stamp – er, face – on any viral GIF you can think of

Ever wanted to see yourself immortalized in a popular Liz Lemon GIF? What about Beyonce? Now you can.
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Facebook won’t like this new teenager privacy bill

A new bill, the "Do Not Track Kids Act of 2013," arrives in Congress as Facebook updates its privacy policy once again.
Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger is now a texting replacement, and it got an iOS 7 makeover

Facebook Messenger, the stand alone app for talking to your Facebook friends, has a new look that is decidedly not very Facebook-looking, but does look nice.
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New research breaks down how the social Web is changing news

A new survey provides insight about how Americans use the social web to consume news.
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Rap Genius goes legit (and makes music lobbyists happy)

Musicians' rights activist David Lowery has sharp words for Rap Genius, but the website may get back in his good graces as they continue licensing lyrics.
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Slovakian engineers are trying to bait Mark Zuckerberg with this custom Facebook grill

What do you do when you want Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to come to your conference? Obviously build him a fancy, Facebook-enabled grill.
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See what it feels like to tweet from a stranger’s Twitter account

We spend a lot of time crafting our online personas - but this artist is challenging this with a new project that gives up control to his Twitter account.
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Snapchat tied to child pornography investigation

Just after Snapchat says no to Facebook's $3 billion buy-out offer, a couple of teens are arrested for promulgating child pornography through the app.
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Twitter tests the waters for breaking news push notifications

Twitter sent a push notification to a random group of mobile users that showed a tweet from the AP regarding a breaking news story in Pennsylvania.
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Like to read? Google wins the right to legally scan books for the Web

Google has won a victory against the Author's Guild that allows the Internet giant to continue operating Google Books.
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Twitter is pretty liberal with the term ‘active user’: Only about half tweet once a month

Twitter's user numbers are skyrocketing, but before you go investing (if you even can ...), you should take a look at how many of them actually tweet.
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SecretInk wants to be Snapchat for texting and email

Imagine sending emails in disappearing ink. SecretInk from PowerInbox is offering the closest thing you'll get to. It's essentially Snapchat for email.
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Sochi Winter Olympic reporters can use Instagram — but video clips are out

The IOC clarified that social media use is allowed for journalists at the 2014 Winter Olympics -- but video is still prohibited.
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How does Twitter’s new custom timeline feature compare to Storify?

Twitter recently introduced Custom Timeline, a new feature that lets Tweetdeck users curate tweets -- here's how it stacks up against Storify.
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The 5 wildest takeaways from Facebook’s failed offer to buy Snapchat for $3 billion

Facebook tried and failed to buy Snapchat for $3 billion – and that's only the start of the insanity.
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Now you, too, can become a Facebook bot!

Tired of writing your own Facebook posts? You're in luck - a new bot has your back.
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You can now share animated GIFs on Twitter – sort of, kind of

The Internet has heard our prayers and answered them: GIFs are now available on Twitter, via Giphy.
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Hey, kid, want to buy Yahoo sells off its URL stash

Yahoo is selling off 29 of its unused or under-used domains, like, which will cost you as little as $50,000.
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This robotic bartender is like a Star Trek replicator for booze

Kickstarter project Monsieur will take your order, and then automatically make you a nice, tall glass of whatever you want.
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Justin Bieber’s new selfie app exists because … why?

Wondering where you could post and look at selfies? No? Of course you weren't, but the new Bieber-backed Shots of Me offers yet another selfie-solution.
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This is the scam 100,000 Instagram users fell for – and how you can avoid it

People really, really want more likes on Instagram -- so much so that they ignored red flags and signed up for a botnet to get them.
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Everything you need to know about creating a custom Twitter timeline

Twitter has just released a new custom timeline feature, allowing you to pull in tweets by topic, event, or interest.