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This casket streams Spotify so you can keep on shuffling into the afterlife

You don't have to say goodbye to your beloved music playlists when you die... you can listen to it six feet under the ground.
worst twerk fail video jimmy kimmel girl hoax

Epic ‘twerk girl fail’ video was just a Jimmy Kimmel lie

If you thought the "worst twerk fail" girl video was a fake, you were right! The whole thing was a hoax created by Jimmy Kimmel.

Who’s most likely to click on spam? Neurotic women on Facebook

Spammers have better luck with certain types of people.
texting text message

Liar … liar? It takes 10 percent longer to type a lie than the truth

how a hackathon got bro trolled by titstare titstare4

The terrible, horrible, no good, very bad Titstare app pitch

Here's how not to be a positive force in the tech community: waste everyone's time launching a stupid, unfunny joke app. Name it Titstare.
facebook conversations talk

Facebook apes Twitter once again by integrating conversation into live news

Facebook is making another play for Twitter's lead on real-time conversation.

Facebook tests LinkedIn-esque ‘Professional Skills’ tab

Facebook is testing a new "Professional Skills" feature so you can boast about the things you're good at doing on a weekday afternoon.
ads on instagram

Instagram: Ads coming within next 12 months as app reaches 150m users

Introducing the world’s first Instagram hotel, where selfies are definitely welcome

Looking for a hotel that welcomes your obsession with selfies? Then check right in.
WTF Internet 09_08_2013 main

WTF, Internet? Babies don’t need to define their ‘brand’ on Twitter

WTF, Internet? This week's Web indiscretion comes courtesy of monster parents who are giving their babies Twitter handles.
7 surprising selfies that prove celebrities are fun loving humans too pope selfie header

7 surprising selfies that prove we’re all human

Selfies are annoying, sure - but these ones might surprise you.

This unintentionally racist app wants to show you where the nicer side of town is

It's important to know where you can go without running into...trouble. But is a site called GhettoTracker really the appropriate solution?
if taking selfies is a trend should hating them be one too 970328 403272903112767 778682771 n

Instagram obsessives, hear this: The #AntiSelfieMovement has begun

Sick of selfies? Well good news! You can now turn your hate into activism.

Pinterest, Path, and the battle over ‘P’

Path is trying to stop Pinterest from trademarking its logo, since both companies use a curly P and a similar color scheme.
boootube highlights the worst videos on internet and we love it bootube

How Boootube turns YouTube’s trash into cringe-inducing treasure

Boootube is a site that collects all the YouTube videos that have garnered more down-votes than up-votes...and you know you want to see what made the cut.
Fantasy Football Board

How socially engaged is your favorite NFL team?

A marketing firm ranked the NFL teams based on their social media prowess.
facebook presses pause on privacy updates stalk header

Facebook presses pause on privacy updates as complaints intensify

Facebook will have to wait to roll out its new privacy updates.
the betaworks touch a look at company that makes other companies good

A look inside Betaworks, the behind-the-scenes builder of Internet magic

How a tech company that builds, buys, and invests in companies is racking up one impressive hot streak.
the nypd just says no to selfies cop selfie

The NYPD wants its officers to ‘just say no’ to selfies

Police departments want to keep their officer's self-indulgent mugs off the Internet.

Why do we hate Facebook hashtags?

Hashtags have proven their viral worth everywhere – except Facebook. Why?

Snapchat deems it acceptable for you to have more best friends

If you habitually send snaps to more than three people at a time, there's a secret code you can use to increase your number of featured friends.

Will a treadmill-powered Internet connection really end your exercise procrastination?

A programmer attempts to solve his lack of exercise momentum by hooking up a treadmill to the one thing he can't live without: his computer.
your facebook smile can predict happiness years down the line photo main

Turns out your smiley Facebook friends really are happier than you

Researchers at the University of Virginia found that the intensity of your smile in Facebook profile pictures can predict your future happiness.

All your tweets are now on Topsy: Twitter analytics service indexes every tweet ever sent

Social analytics tool Topsy now indexes Twitter in its entirety and allows users to look up their earliest tweets since 2006.

Sub-Spotifying is the latest way to let technology passive aggressively flirt for you

Why sign up for an online dating service when you can sub-Spotify?

Are Facebook hashtags a big fat #failure?

If you're trying to engage more friends and fans on Facebook, using hashtags will harm your efforts.
would you try facebook flavored ice cream

This ice cream shop knows what Facebook tastes like – no, it’s not tears and vodka

An ice cream shop in Croatia is selling Facebook flavored ice cream, which doesn't even make any sense, but whatever.

The inevitable happens as a clothing brand starts sexting people on Snapchat

An online retailer is attracting Snapchat followers by sending racy photos.
this vine is everything thats wrong with modern relationships khoaliti

Rule #79 for teenagers: Don’t Vine your breakup

And you thought being broken up with in a text was bad - this Vine takes it to a new level.

Facebook pays researcher $12.5K bounty for uncovering image-deletion security flaw

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Disgruntled British Airways passenger buys promoted tweets to vent frustrations at airline

A 2012 article proposed a smarter version of Facebook Shared Albums

Shared Albums just launched, but ideas to make them smarter have been available since last year.
twitter gets stuck into australian market with opening of its first local hq australia

Twitter gets stuck into Australian market with opening of first local HQ

idnatity audio dna code

This app makes songs out of selfies – so we found out what our faces sound like

Ever wonder what sound your face would make? This app can tell you.