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facebook under a magnifying glass

A Facebook exodus? Not quite, says SocialBakers

Facebook might not be bleeding users as a Guardian report might suggest, as the company that provided the data for the report says it was "misinterpreted."
instagram windows phone

Will Instagram make its Windows Phone debut on the Nokia Lumia 928?

Mounting evidence suggests Instagram won't stay away from Windows 8 for long.
twitter for glass tweet

Twitter is secretly experimenting with Google Glass functionality

Twitter was spotted experimenting with a Google Glass app that like GlassTweet, will likely tweet photos using Glass.
vine front facing camera

Vine update adds front-facing camera and mentions

Vine announced a new update that now enables user mentions and the ability to take videos via the front-facing camera.
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Who did the Internet love this year? Webby Awards go to Grimes, Frank Ocean, Obama for America, and more

This year's Webby award winners are an eclectic mix, from Frank Ocean to President Obama.
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Let Ernest Hemingway steal your Facebook account

Bored on social media? Get the Hemingway Hijacker to see how Papa would use Facebook.

Numbers don’t lie: The Facebook bubble may finally burst

Fewer people in the U.S. visited Facebook last month compared with the month before, and the amount of time visitors spend on the site also shrinking.
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The 4 opt outs between you and stopping Facebook tracking

Targeted ads are the bane of any Facebook user's existence. If this is how you feel, you can take matters into your own hands and stop them from appearing.
internet and television are becoming one header

Turn on, tune in, retweet: How TV and the Internet melted into one world

GIFS, memes, and Reddit forums used to be on and about the Internet - but television has begun to revolve its broadcasting around this culture.

Boston marathon bomber’s deleted Instagram account may hold clues

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's deleted Instagram account might hold clues on what might have motivated the Boston marathon bombing.
apps stealing your photos header

The U.K. makes it OK for anyone to use your Instagram images

The U.K. has passed a bill that holds a rather damaging clause to photographers; orphaned photos can be licensed for commercial use.

Surprise! Tumblr used to have a secret music app

Tumblr did music with Tumblr Play way before Twitter made #Music cool.

Chat apps to double SMS text messaging by end of 2013

By the time 2013 comes to an end, chat apps like WhatsApp and BlackBerry Messenger will account for twice the messaging traffic of standard text messaging.

Efemr is Snapchat for Twitter – but proceed with caution

Efemr rides on the coattails of the Snapchat phenomenon, but despite it selling itself as a privacy tool the app falls far, far short of our expectations.
more twitter followers

Followgen will give you tons of new Twitter followers, as well a guilt complex

You can get new, non-bot Twitter followers by running a simple program. But should you?

Facebook troll threatens to shoot 200 kids at a U.S. high school

A British man used a fake Facebook account to make mass death threats to U.S. high school students in the wake of the Sandy Hook school shooting.
Instagram inspired Nikes

WTF Internet? Instagram inspired Nikes … ‘Just DON’T Do It’

WTF, Internet? This week's Web indiscretion comes courtesy of a Nike-Instagram partnership gone wrong.

Toast with someone using the Buddy Cup to become Facebook friends

this week in facebook news you may have missed april 14 20 fbpaper

This week’s Facebook news you may have missed

Here's this week's roundup of Facebook news you may have missed.
social media contest winner

Win two hours with Russell Simmons, and other social ways to win this week

Here are five social media contests that you can try your luck at this week. What have you got to lose? You just might win something.
Miss Netiquette's guide to Facebook

Miss Netiquette’s guide to Facebook

The Internet is a wonderful if confusing world – and that’s why you sometimes need to be pointed in the right direction.
white house tumblr

The White House joins Tumblr, promises GIFs are on the way

The President of the United States, and the most socially active POTUS yet, has added another social platform to its arsenal: Tumblr.
Facebook graph privacy search

5 big things big data just revealed about Facebook users

A study uses big data research methods to analyze Facebook users. We talk to Stephan Wolfram himself about the revelations.

These are the Webby nominees you should know but haven’t heard of – yet!

Before the Best of Internet is honored and awarded next week, let's check out some of those who are vying for the top spot in their categories.
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InstaStock wants to turn your selfies into a business model

If you want to make money off your Instagram account, a new service lets you turn your filtered snapshots into stock images.
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Twitter wants to bring local discovery feature to your stream

It took a week-long hackathon before Twitter realized that serving local tweets might lead somewhere.
twitter court

This developer broke Twitter’s rules, says the site should ‘shut him down’

We look at one man's quest to get Twitter to notice his program to build followers - is it sophisticated spamming or the next step for Twitter Ads?

Man arrested after selling his grandson on Facebook

Three people are in custody in India following the attempted sale of a kidnapped baby on Facebook, with one of the three being the child's own grandfather.

Inside Out Project takes your selfies and plasters them in the middle of Times Square

Can selfies be considered art? The Inside Out Project has placed a photo booth truck to snap portraits and paste them onto the grounds of Times Square.

Virgin America encourages passenger flirting with seat-to-seat texting

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Hands on with GIF maker-turned-social app, Loopcam

The GIF making machine called Loopcam has evolved into a VINE-like social media competitor for stop-motion images.

LinkedIn launches standalone personal assistant app, LinkedIn Contacts

LinkedIn is looking to fill in gaps of real-time usage with the introduction of LinkedIn Contacts.
twitter for mac update

Twitter for Mac finally updated with photo-sharing, 14 languages, and Retina Display

Twitter's Mac app has finally been updated with Retina Display support, easier photo sharing features, and support for 14 new languages.

Zynga’s downward spiral continues as it shutters four more games

In 2010, Zynga was more valuable than Madden NFL maker Electronic Arts. Not anymore. Zynga is closing even more social network games as earnings disappoint.