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Instagram is becoming an online hangout for terrorists

According to a recent report, terrorists are turning to Instagram and using the photo-sharing app as a means to spread their propaganda.
facebook under a magnifying glass

All this week’s Facebook news that’s fit to print

Here's all the major news and updates surrounding the social network you may have missed this week.
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Are messaging apps the biggest threat to Facebook?

Messaging apps that act like social networks could be the biggest danger to Facebook's social network dominance.

Nielsen and SocialGuide study finds Twitter closely tied to TV ratings

A Nielsen study has found evidence that tweets do influence TV ratings, and in some instances more so than advertising.

The funniest Twitter birthday tweets

Twitter turned 7 today, and fans wasted no time with wacky well wishes.
facebook ecosystem

When it comes to apps, Facebook giveth and Facebook taketh away

Facebook used to be a natural launching pad for a new app, but now the harsh reality is that the ecosystem isn't one that welcomes competition.
quora search results

Thank you, Quora, for finally introducing full-text search

Searching on Quora was a chore, so the team has rethought how users searched for topics with the introduction of full-text searches and search results.

Hands on: Google Keep wants to be your new Evernote

Google Keep hopes to keep your love for note-taking within the Google family, further solidifying the company's comfy spot in your daily routine..
twitter blueprint

Twitter turns 7, and celebrates 200 million active users

Twitter has two reasons to celebrate today. Today is Twiter's 7th birthday, and has also hit the 200 million active user mark.
digg banned from google on

Why was Digg de- and then relisted by Google?

Earlier today, searching for on Google was an exercise in futility. It's been fixed, but it makes you wonder, why does de-indexing happen anyway?

Missing March Madness? Get quick video recaps on Twitter

With March Madness starting today, you might not have time to watch every game but you can catch the highlights on @MarchMadness.
facebook timeline redesign arrives heres what you need to know andrew

Facebook Timeline redesign arrives, here’s what you need to know

Facebook's new look highlights pictures and tries to streamline Timeline. Will it be a hit or miss?
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Dude, where’s my Kickstarter stuff? Dealing with delays, deception and broken promises

A friendly reminder that Kickstarter is not a store - and a few tips on how to deal when you aren't getting what's owed you.
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Twitter granted patent – for Twitter

Google introduces animated GIF search, Internet weeps with glee

Finally, Google offers a service that can address our obsession and love for animated GIFs!

Are you an Instagram wizard or wannabe? Your favorite filters are more revealing than you think

According to a tongue-in-cheek new infographic, what you choose as your Instagram filter reflects your personality.
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Facebook is trying to prevent scams and fake profiles, one locked account at a time

Having trouble logging into your Facebook today? Don't have a heart attack, it's just a way for the site to eradicate spam content and malicious profiles.

MessageMe picks up 1 million users in 12 days, no thanks to Facebook

MessageMe reveals that despite Facebook revoking its privileges to Facebook's social graph, the app has managed to amass 1 million users within 12 days.

Russian Orthodox Church wants you to give up social media for Lent

Never mind chocolate or booze, there are other things you could give up for Lent according to the Russian Orthodox Church, such as social media altogether.

Twitter is like high school all over again, study reveals

Study shows that by simply analyzing the words you commonly use in your tweets, you can easily find out which Twitter group you belong to.

Manage March Madness using teams’ Facebook page likes

Facebook data can help determine which teams in this year's NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship tourney you should root for, whatever type of fan you are.
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SXSW 2013’s trends by Twitter numbers

Here is this year's boiled down look at SXSW 2013 seen through Salorix's Twitter data, and a look at how you can prep for next year's festival.

Flickr for iOS jumps on the hashtag #bandwagon with new update

Flickr is following the hashtag trend by finally supporting hashtags, in its recent iOS update.
pinterest redesigned in march

Pinterest rolls out anticipated redesign with bigger images and discovery features

Pinterest's redesigned site, now with bigger photos and new discovery features, is finally rolling out to all users starting today.
occupy twitter protests against new api rules bird cage large

#FirstWorldProblems: Twitter third party clients continue to shut down and its API is just getting more restrictive

Lots of the best outside options for accessing Twitter itself are disappearing, thanks to the new, restrictive Twitter API.
firstworldproblems twitter api and third party problem twitterbanner

‘Naive’ Twitter pledge leads to UK lawmaker donating $21,150 to charity

A quick guide to handling a St. Patrick’s Day worst-case scenario

Need some app assistance on March 17? Here's a handful that could keep your out of trouble (or get you out of it) on St. Patrick's Day.

We got around at SXSW … transportation-wise, of course

There were plenty of ways to get around Austin during SXSW, and we did our best to try nearly all of them. Here's our ranking.
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Reuters social media editor may face jail time for colluding with Anonymous to deface Tribune site

Reuters' social media editor, Matthew Keys, is facing potential jail time for divulging to Anonmyous the Tribune Company's server's log-in credentials.

Facebook for Android push updates directly, bypasses Google Play

Facebook's latest build for Android works around the Google Play store and pushes all updates, if you're on a Wi-Fi connection, directly to the app.

Are you a visual learner? Here’s how to make sense of all the SXSW news

It's hard to listen to a keynote speaker and also jot down what's being said. Patrick Ashamalla has an ingenious idea...why write it if you can sketch it?
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Hands on: Zite has already created a Google Reader alternative

You RSS-lovers can ease your troubled minds. Another alternative to doomed Google Reader is born, this time courtesy of Zite. Here's how you can try it.

Is audio the final social frontier? Eevzdrop thinks so

Eevzdrop managed to steal a bit of spotlight at SXSW this year, and is banking on audio sharing being the next social feed we want to see. Er, hear.

What we’ve Shazam-ed at SXSW 2013

Here are some of the tracks we've Shazam-ed during SXSW 2013 so you can formulate a playlist hip enough for Austin.