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Win a Michael Kors shopping spree, a year of burgers, and other social ways to win this week

social media contest winner

Social media and its many platforms has made it easier for anyone and everyone to have a voice – and brands are paying attention. There are a slew of contest out there that want your Tumblr, Tweets, and more, so what’s stopping you? Check out all the social media ways you could win big this week. 

Intuit will play fair godmother and gift $5,000 to 15 small businesses

intuit social media contest

If you’ve got a business, this contest is perfect for you. Intuit is running a contest to dole out wishes this spring to help 15 businesses improve their companies.

To participate in the contest, you’ll need to type up and publish your business wish (worth up to $5,000) and share your written submission with friends, family, customers, fans, to improve your chances of winning. Aside from the grand prize, five additional business wishes that have garnered the most votes will be selected for a “suite of Intuit products.” As for the grand prize, the decision is completely up to a panel of judges, but more votes do help.

Here’s the judging criteria – something to keep in mind when writing up your wish:

  • Wish will transform the small business (50 percent);
  • Small Business appropriately represents the Sponsor (25 percent); and
  • Public appeal (25 percent)

The Prize: Up to $5,000 to fund an expense for your small business.

Deadline: 11:59 PM PST on May 12, 2013

Shopping ‘spree’ at Michael Kors

michael kors contest

Mother’s Day is coming up, and brands are prepping for the influx of husbands and offspring scrambling to find something to gift the mom. If you’re stumped (and broke), you might want to get a head start and try your luck on winning a $500 shopping spree from Michael Kors in its #Whatshewants contest. It should be noted that $500 isn’t going to go all that far at an upscale brand like Michael Kors, but hey, it’s the thought – and free money – that counts.

Regardless, either you can enter the contest by liking Michael Kors’ Facebook Page, pinning any one of the photos, sending them your email address, and clicking on “submit.” The contest is just a straight up pin-to-win contest, so you won’t have to put fort extra effort to improve your chances of winning. 

Two winners will be selected randomly.

Prize: One of two $500 shopping sprees at Michael Kors

Deadline: 11:59 PM EST on May 14, 2013

Boycott “No Socks Day”

no socks day

It seems like there’s a holiday for everything. May 8 is apparently No Sock Day, and Foot Cardigan, a shop to purchase socks on a subscription basis, is challenging people to “boycott” the day by wearing socks on the day. 

If you’re wearing a Foot Cardigan sock or any sock worth ogling that day, the company invites you to take a photo of the proof and publish it to Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. The photo must be tagged with #NSDboycott. The judges will be looking at socks here so I’d recommend that if you do participate, make it exciting. If there’s nothing appealing about the submissions, then the winner will be chosen at random. What do you win? Well, socks of course. In fact you’ll be vying for a six month subscription of socks.

There’s a second way to win this bound to be coveted prize. You can also take a photo of yourself boycotting with signs or posters and also submit the photo to the three social networks. Don’t forget to tag the photos with #NSDboycott. The winner of this category also wins six months of free socks.

Oh and if you’re a local in Foot Cardigan’s hometown of Dallas, Texas, the company wants its vigilante sock wearers to help them protest between 11AM and 1PM. You can find more details here.

The Prize: One of two six month subscription of Foot Cardigan socks

The Deadline: May 8, 2013

Whataburger 4AYEAR!

Here’s one for you foodies. If you’re under the assumption that your food is gourmet and worthy of being viewed by all of your friends, you might get a kick out of this. Whataburger, a fast food burger chain, has kickstarted an Instagram contest that asks its fans to purchase and take a photo of burger, bag, or beverage. You only need to take a photo of two of these three options. Yep, you’re taking a photo of fast food. Once that’s done, tag the photo with @Whataburger and #Whatagram.

The prize might be a blessing or in retrospect a greasy death sentence, but you can win “WB4AYEAR.” (That means Whataburger for a year, in case you haven’t caught that.) The point of the contest is in celebration of National Burger Month.

The Prize: Your fill of food at Whataburger for one year.

The Deadline: Unspecified but we’re assuming that the deadline ends next Friday, May 10, 2013.

Model for Karmaloop

karmaloop modeling contest

Ever dreamed about modeling but could never fit into a size zero, didn’t have six pack abs, nor a gaunt face? You can always opt to try alternative modeling. Fortunately Karmaloop is looking for a guy and girl to model streetwear for the site. It’s an open invitation – if you fit the bill – to moonlight a semi-professional modeling career. The shoot just takes place on one day, and everything will be paid for. If you win, just come looking like the same beautiful self that won you the coveted spot.

What you have to do to enter, as you can probably guess already, is to upload an image of yourself “looking dope” (whatever that means) to Instagram or Twitter and make sure to add the hashtag #KLModelContest. You’ll have some power over whether or not you make it to the final round. Your photo will show up on Karmaloop’s Facebook Page, so from there you’ll want to badger your friends to vote for you.

If you end up in the “finals,” you’ll be set in front of a panel of judges on May 31, 2013, when the final decision will be made with selecting the next male and female Karmaloop model.

The Prize: Foray into professional modeling for Karmaloop (even if it’s just for one day), Round-trip airfare to Boston, MA, which is where Karmaloop HQ is located, one night at a hotel, and $1,000 store credit.

Deadline: Unspecified, however final decision is made on May 31, 2013

Francis Bea
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Francis got his first taste of the tech industry in a failed attempt at a startup during his time as a student at the…
Twitter Communities: A guide to the Reddit-like world within Twitter
Twitter logo in white stacked on top of a blue stylized background with the Twitter logo repeating in shades of blue.

Twitter's latest offering, Twitter Communities, seems to be the microblogging platform's response to a question for its more casual users: How can you cultivate real community around your interests without making your interests the only focus of your tweets? It can be hard to create a real sense of community around your interests on Twitter while retaining a social media identity that is still separate from them.

And it appears Twitter Communities is the bird app's solution to that issue, which makes it easily the most exciting new service in Twitter's future.
What is Twitter Communities for?

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Twitter is building two new ways to handle tweet replies
A person's hands holding a smartphone as they browse Twitter on it.

Replies on the bird app could be getting a makeover, as Twitter is apparently working on two new features that could shape how we respond to tweets.

On Wednesday, Jane Manchun Wong posted screenshots of two different reply-related features that Twitter is building. The first of Wong's tweets featured a screenshot that showed off an option to "Start a Space about this Tweet." And the second tweet Wong shared had a screenshot of a new "Pin Reply" feature.

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NFTs are coming to Instagram, with testing starting this week
A woman seated at a table scrolls through her instagram timeline.

Those non-fungible tokens (NFTs) aren't going away anytime soon. In fact, they're even coming to a certain popular photo-sharing app near you.

On Monday, Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder and CEO of Meta Platforms, announced via a video posted on Facebook that Instagram would begin testing NFTs as early as this week. Referring to them as "digital collectibles," Zuckerberg said that the move to test NFTs on Instagram was so "that creators and collectors can display their NFTs" on their profiles. He also went on to mention that a "similar functionality" would also be brought to Facebook as well, but did not specify when that would happen.

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