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Twitter officially adding tweets to your timeline from people you don’t follow

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Many Twitter users have noticed for a while that tweets from people they don’t follow, as well as favorited posts from people they do, have been turning up in their timelines. The change appeared to be another experiment by the folks at Twitter as it looks at ways to improve content discoverability on the service and create more connections.

While some Twitter tests lead to new features for the service, others are quietly brushed under the carpet and never spoken of again. However, it looks like this one is now an official feature after news outlet Quartz spotted explanatory notes referring to it on a Twitter support page.

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The development means Twitter users will no longer have the almost total control that they enjoyed before with their carefully curated timelines.

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The new note on Twitter’s help page says:
When we identify a Tweet, an account to follow, or other content that’s popular or relevant, we may add it to your timeline. This means you will sometimes see Tweets from accounts you don’t follow. We select each Tweet using a variety of signals, including how popular it is and how people in your network are interacting with it. Our goal is to make your home timeline even more relevant and interesting.

While many users of the microblogging service may feel their timeline is already relevant and interesting enough – after all, they did essentially build it themselves – Twitter is hoping to expose them to more content and a wider range of users in a bid to integrate them deeper into the platform.

So besides your timeline’s ads and retweets, which you also have little control over, you’ll now have to get used to posts favorited by friends, as well as “popular” posts from users you don’t follow.

It’s conceivable the feature may prove useful for new users of Twitter looking for ideas on who to follow, but it’s hard to imagine this move going down well with long-time users who’d like to retain a high level of control over their timeline.

The big test will be how effective Twitter’s algorithm is in choosing relevant tweets to repost. If it’s off the mark too often, we can expect to see angry users taking to, er, Twitter to express their disgruntlement, which could ultimately lead to the company ditching the feature. So let’s see how it works out….

Trevor Mogg
Contributing Editor
Not so many moons ago, Trevor moved from one tea-loving island nation that drives on the left (Britain) to another (Japan)…
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Don’t be like Pierre Delecto. Here’s how to keep your Twitter account a secret
Mitt Romney

On October 20, the Atlantic published a profile on Mitt Romney, in which the Utah Senator admitted to having a secret Twitter account. Slate’s Ashley Feinberg, who had previously unmasked James Comey’s anonymous Twitter, quickly went to work and identified Romney as tweeter Pierre Delecto.

Far be it from me to make Feinberg’s sleuthing more difficult, but the two had some commonalities that helped her track down their accounts. If you’re in the public eye but want to keep some social media private, here are some tips to keep it secret.
Don’t follow your relatives 
This was Romney’s biggest mistake. It was by investigating his granddaughter’s nearly 500 followers that Feinberg was able to find Pierre Delecto, and from there, the evidence only piled up. “The Pierre Delecto account’s very first follow was eldest Romney scion Tagg,” according to Feinberg. She traced James Comey through similar means. Trail of breadcrumbs, thy name is the family follow.
Do follow a mix of people 
Delecto did follow a number of late night hosts (no Stephen Colbert, though) but mostly stuck to politicians, pundits, and reporters. But this is your secret identity! Maybe take the opportunity to learn about a new field. Cheese Twitter, historian Twitter, teacher Twitter, branch out and learn something new. Also, part of why Feinberg was able to discover Comey’s identity is he followed the College of William &  Mary, his alma mater. Maybe if he’d followed a few more colleges, it would’ve muddied the water a bit.

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Twitter CEO claims platform had best day last week
A stylized composite of the Twitter logo.

Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino tweeted on Monday that despite the current fuss over Meta’s new and very similar Threads app, Twitter had its largest usage day last week.

Subtly including the name of Meta’s new app, which launched to great fanfare last Wednesday, Yaccarino did her best to sing Twitter’s praises, tweeting: “Don’t want to leave you hanging by a thread … but Twitter, you really outdid yourselves! Last week we had our largest usage day since February. There’s only ONE Twitter. You know it. I know it.”

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