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Apple Watch

Apple Watch soldier

Apple Watch may help find your watch, track your sleep, and monitor your blood sugar

According to rumors, Apple will update the Apple Watch with a "Find My Watch" feature, sleep tracking, glucose monitoring, and more.
Apple Watch soldier

China’s army bans smartwatches and other wearable devices, thanks to a girlfriend’s gift

China’s military authorities have banned smartwatches and other wearable devices, pointing to risks of the devices exposing sensitive information.
jeb bush obamacare apple watch jebbush

Jeb Bush wants to repeal Obamacare, replace with Apple Watch

Jeb Bush was speaking in Arizona when he caught us all by surprise by dropping this little gem about the Apple Watch.
Apple Watch passcode

The Apple Watch is too easy to steal and reset as a new device

The Apple watch is far to easy to steal, and doesn't follow the trend of modern gadget security.
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Yes, you can now get a protective case for your Apple Watch

Apple Watch front angle

DirecTV to turn your Apple Watch into a remote control

DirecTV is the latest company to announce that they will be releasing an app for the Apple Watch that will bring new levels of integration to the home.
Apple Watch

Apple Watch survives brutal barrage of waterproofing tests

Ray Maker took a look at the list of things Apple Watch users are told not to do, and put every single one of them that was related to water to the test.
Apple Watch back charger

Just how accurate is the Apple Watch heart rate monitor? It’s on par with an EKG

One user compared the Apple Watch heart rate monitor to a chest strap with EKG accuracy ratings, and the Watch returned almost perfect results.
Apple Watch Sport

Soon, you’ll be able to waltz right into an Apple Store and walk out with an Apple Watch

Apple may be ramping up to offer an in-store pick up option for the Apple Watch.
apple watch gold plate 400 news watchplate

$400 will (kind of) get you a Gold Apple Watch

Don't want to fork over $17,000 to get a gold Apple Watch? You don't have to. WatchPlate will gold-plate your wearable for just $400.
Apple Watch top angle

The secret port on your Apple Watch … revealed?

The Apple Watch's theorized diagnostic port is possibly a whole lot more, and carries with it great accessory potential.
Apple Watch milanese loop detail

Get ready, aftermarket Apple Watch straps are on the way

Baby Heart Apple Watch

See this newborn baby’s heartbeat sent out into the world using an Apple Watch

Apple Store Watch

Where’s our wearable revolution? The state of tech’s biggest unfulfilled promise

We look at the state of wearables and wearable tech for the final installment of the Wear Next column.
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$17K Apple Watch is ‘missing integrity and substance,’ asserts maker of $13K phones

Trends with Benefits

Trends with Benefits: Apple Watch tattoo trouble, HoloLens destined for debauchery

Apple Watch Sport

Apple is making a killing off the Apple Watch Sport — Components total a mere $84

The Apple Watch Sport costs just $84 to manufacture, but it sells for $350. Apple has a pretty high profit margin with its first wearable.
Apple Watch Sport

Apple admits that tattoos confuse the heart rate monitor on the Apple Watch

Some Apple Watch users with tattoos are having issues with the heart rate monitor, which controls a number of functions including Apple Pay and security.
apple watch will it blend

Will the Apple Watch blend? The answer is painful to watch

Blendtec sets its sights on the Apple Watch for their YouTube campaign "Will it Blend?"
apple watch costs 85 to manufacture ifixit feature

Apple Watch reportedly hit by faulty Taptic Engine, slows rollout

Apple Watch Sport

Apple Watch face selection to stay at 10, after alternative time telling apps are banned

Apple officially stated in its App Store guidelines that it will not accept third-party watch faces or time-telling apps for the Apple Watch.
apple watch is not built to last ifixit teardown

Apple Watch teardown reveals replacing parts is ‘nearly impossible’

The Apple Watch, while being priced to compete with luxury watches, simply does not hold the same staying power as its moving parts competitors.
iPhone Apple Store Line

Apple has only delivered 22 percent of Apple Watch pre-orders, so far

Only 22% of initial Apple Watch pre-orders have reached customers, with the remaining units waiting weeks more to be shipped out.
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Best Buy will start accepting Apple Pay in stores later this year

apple watch

What becomes of the Misfits and FitBits of the world after the Apple Watch? Apps.

apple watch waterproof video water

See the Apple Watch take a shower, go for a swim, and still work perfectly

The Apple Watch may not be fully waterproof, but one guy took his in the shower and went swimming with it on, and it still works just fine.
Walken Apple Watch

Christopher Walken advises you to hide the Apple Watch in a very uncomfortable place

loungebuddy booking now apps on apple watch ease the stress of travel featured

LoungeBuddy, Booking Now apps on Apple Watch ease the stress of travel

Apple Watch

Get your Apple Watch apps right now: The Apple Watch app store goes live

Apple's just flipped the switch on the Apple Watch store, making more than 3,000 apps available for download to Apple Watch owners.
monitor and control your creative portfolio from apple watch with adobes apps adobe cloud featured

Monitor and control your creative portfolio from Apple Watch with Adobe’s apps

From picking a color to showing a project to a potential client, Adobe is adding Apple Watch support into three iPhone apps.
Apple Watch

Apple demystifies Apple Watch interactions with full user guide

Apple published a user guide for the Apple Watch on its website to help new users learn how the interface works.
Porsche 918 Spyder

You can control your Porsche with an Apple Watch app

Porsche now comes with Apple Watch integration via the app "Porsche Car Connect."
Tim Cook Apple Watch

How the Apple Watch will help make Android Wear a huge hit

Believe it or not, after the Apple Watch is good news for all smartwatches, even Android Wear, thanks to Apple's focus on fashion and growth.
gold link bracelet apple watch celebrities news edition beyonce

The standard $12,000 Watch Edition isn’t expensive enough for Beyoncé