Facebook Home has been downloaded over a half a million times in its first ten days, but concerns over privacy settings have led to a 2-star user rating
Facebook is holding a media event at its Menlo Park headquarters next week. Designed to create a bit of a buzz, the invitation is deliberately vague, saying only, "Come and see what we're building."
As HTC and Facebook pursue building a phone together, they both risk alienating far more important partners – a lesson they should have picked up from Microsoft’s Zune fiasco.
HTC's new Status has a dedicated Facebook button and several integrated social media features. Will it be able to compete with the iPhone or Android devices or will its small screen make it a dud?
An icon appearing on several users' pages suggests that Facebook will extend its reach to VoIP calling, potentially pitting it against both Skype and Google Voice in the future.
After numerous denials, the "Facebook phone" has reached mythic proportions that could rival the white iPhone. Yet it could be coming next month from HTC.