Version 3 of the Firefox browser gets released today...and, if you're lucky, you can participate in a world record attempt for most downloads in a day.
There's not even a release date set yet for the Firefox 3 browser, but Mozilla is already hoping it will create a world record for the number of downloads in a single day.
The days of dealing with antiquated browsers as soon as you step away from a computer will soon be over. Mozilla plans to bring its much-praised Firefox browser to mobile platforms.
Although it snuck out onto FTP servers yesterday, Mozilla is scheduled start giving Internet Explorer 7 a run for its money today by releasing Firefox 2.0 today.
Mozilla Corp. is launching Firefox Flicks, a grassroots campaign to promote its alternative Web browser with user-recorded video testimonials and 30-second user-created ads.
Latest browswer market share numbers from tracking firm suggest Firefox has lost some growth momentum while Netscape slowly continues to sink off radar.
Janco's second quarter 2005 Browser Market Share Study finds that Firefox has doubled its market share to grab more than 10% percent of the browser market.