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Customizable Gmail inbox organization coming soon

photos and blogs

Google rebranding continues: Picasa and Blogger up next

facebook blocks google extension that pulls contacts thumbnail

Facebook blocks Google+ extension that pulls contacts

New Google Homepage

New Gmail on the way, sneak peak now available


China calls Google a ‘political tool’ after hacking accusations

White House officials among those targeted by Gmail hack

Google Apps

Google Apps ditching older browsers

Google China

China denies role in latest Google attack

Google makes Gmail social – but not annoying – with people widget


Email still ‘crucial’ for Google, Yahoo and Microsoft

Yahoo Mail update May 2011

Yahoo Mail taps into Facebook, Twitter, and more

google social

Facebook PR fallout: Google’s Social Circle warrants another look


Tech blogs’ disabled Facebook pages caused by DMCA abuse

China pushing Baidu on Android phones

Chrome notebook for sale this summer?

New Gmail features include personalized backgrounds


Google lied about app security certification, says Microsoft

US developing panic button for activists abroad

google 1 makes its official debut plus thumjb

Google +1 makes its official debut


Google settles with FTC over Buzz privacy violations

Hotmail extends Active View to Netflix, LinkedIn, Posterous, and LivingSocial


Google: China tampered with Gmail (Update)


Gmail faces another suit over scanning messages to serve ads


Study: Gmail users younger, better-educated than AOL, Yahoo! users


Google unclutters Gmail with ‘Smart Labels’

Gmail will be restored for everyone very soon, says Google


Google confirms missing email problem in Gmail

Panguso search, Baidu monopoly investigation leave Chinese Internet at crossroads

tech etiquette guide email

Survey: Most young workers use personal email for work

polls show e mail popularity waning facebook messages ready to fill in dead

Polls show e-mail popularity waning, Facebook Messages ready to fill in

Google begins testing display ads in Gmail

Will Facebook battle Skype, Google Voice with VoIP calling?

Facebook claims 44 percent of online sharing

Man in legal trouble for reading wife’s email