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the weirdest things we found for sale on instagram laces

The weirdest things we found for sale on Instagram

New site Hashbag shows you everything for sale on Instagram - and some of those things are downright weird.
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Hashbag helps you buy those shoes – or anything else – you saw on Instagram

You might not think of Instagram as a place to buy and sell stuff online, but a new service called Hashbag wants Instagram to become the next Craigslist.
governments triumphant return to the web our 7 favorite apps and accounts that logged back on imgres

The Government’s back … online! Our 7 favorite apps and accounts that have returned

The shutdown didn't only close the gates on national parks - we also lost our beloved panda cam. Now it - and others - are back online.

Is Instagram a celebrity confessional – and are admins keeping watch?

After a series of darker Instagram posts, Lady Gaga reportedly received word from Instagram checking in on her mental health.
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Say my name: Instagram’s trademark claims mean your favorite ‘insta’ apps are busy rebranding

Instagram is wielding its power over the "insta" and "gram" phrases, meaning quite a few apps need new monikers.
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Banksy – or someone pretending to be the artist – has officially hit the social Web

It's hard to know what to make of Banksy's new Instagram account.
WTF Internet 10_13_2013

WTF, Internet? Celebrity ‘Instassistants’ just tilted a level playing field

WTF, Internet? This week's Web indiscretion comes courtesy of a new job, called an Instaassistant, who runs a celeb's Instagram account. Yes, really.
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Going … going … gone viral: The best new memes this side of the Internet

A lot of funny has been hitting the Internet lately, in various forms. Check out the top new memes going viral this week.
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Instagram for Android update adds photo straightening while quietly preparing for ads

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Satiregram mocks all the worst Instagram cliches so you don’t have to

Who needs to follow Instagram accounts when all the popular photos are posted in one account?
6 instagram inspired gift ideas you can get yourself and your pals stickers

6 Instagram-inspired gift ideas for bringing your images to life

Do you and your friends love Instagram? Here are a few things you may want that will remind you of the photo-sharing app's awesomeness.
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We paid over $500 million for the Obamacare sites and all we got was this lousy 404 [updated], the primary Web portal for Obamacare's online exchanges, seems to have cost more than $500 million to build. Wait, what?!
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An open letter to Instagram on its third birthday

Oh Instagram, it's only been three years? It feels like a lifetime.
if you want to make instagram a money making career here are few good ways start

Want to make money filtering your iPhone snaps? These Instagram-lovin’ apps can help

Instagram recently announced that it intends to earn a bit of revenue by making room for advertisements. Why shouldn't you?
Instagram photojournalists

7 of the most captivating photojournalists on Instagram capturing conflict zones

Photographers are using Instagram as a journalism tool, and some of their accounts stand out as must-follow feeds, with remarkable images.
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Instagram food porn could ruin your dinner

Documenting your every meal with Instagram could actually make eating it a worse experience.
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Instagram officially announces the ads are coming

Beginning today, you may see an ad or two on your Instagram feed, from a brand account you may not be following.

Photos: Government agencies say goodbye to social media … for now

The Government shutdown has wide-reaching affects, including on federal agencies' social media accounts.
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Got a fan following on Instagram? Get rewarded for it through Snapfluence

'Instagram brand ambassador' may be your next paying gig through a new network that makes it easy for brands to hook up with Instagrammers who love them.
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15 apps that make the most of iOS 7

The swath of iOS 7 apps is slim at best. Check out some of the best that make use of the iPhone 5S' new processing power and flattened exterior design.
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How to embed Instagram photos on Twitter

There's an easy workaround to embed your Instagram photos on Twitter.
wtf internet we dont need b s surveys to typecast women as facebook obsessed divas wft

WTF, Internet? We don’t need B.S. surveys to typecast women as Facebook-obsessed divas

WTF, Internet? This week's Web indiscretion comes courtesy of a 'survey' saying women buy more clothes because of social photos.
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The debate over war photojournalism in the age of Instagram rages on

New research looks at the merits and problems of filtered photojournalism.
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Want some Instagram advice from billion dollar companies? Then listen up

This is how Fortune 500 are using Instagram - you might want to listen u. p
touchcast hands on  12

Everybody’s favorite vlog app, TouchCast, is now Instagram-ized

TouchCast for iPad is pretty much every on-the-go Web video-maker's dream app. Learn more as we test its newest feature that taps into your Instagram feed.
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The 6 worst things you can do on Instagram

Want to know how to lose friends and evade followers on Instagram? Well the Internet decided these six things will you get you exactly that.
Instagram accounts of favorite shows

10 Instagram accounts that reveal what happens on the sets of your favorite shows

If you're a regular couch potato and Instagram user, you need to follow these actors and actresses that occasionally post behind-the-scene photos on set.
instagram plays a starring role in music videos video

The best Instagram-made music videos

Instagram is getting a star role in music videos with more bands utilizing the technology to give their content the retro edge.

Want some social with your science? The best Instagrams from NASA’s rocket launch

NASA and Orbital Sciences sent a rocket to the International Space Station on Wednesday – and here's how we documented it.
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The best new way to use Instagram is for recipe inspiration

Turns out there's more to Instagram than selfies and pet pics - there are some great mealtime how-to's buried in there as well.
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The 6 most important things Mark Zuckerberg revealed yesterday

Mark Zuckerberg made some remarks at TC Disrupt that hinted at the company's future trajectory.

2 Chainz is releasing an Instagram cookbook, so let’s look through his personal food porn

If 2 Chainz's Instagram food porn habit is any indication, we should be excited for the release of #MEALTIME.
instagram is out of this world literally now that nasa has an account

‘We’ll never turn Mars blue:’ NASA’s Instagram account will go easy on the filters

NASA launches its official Instagram account.
ads on instagram

Instagram: Ads coming within next 12 months as app reaches 150m users