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Man frustrated at computer.

Anti-virus and trusted accounts not enough to avoid Chrome extension malware

A Chrome extension that acted as a trojan for a piece of dangerous malware showed up again on the Web Store hours after being removed.

Security expert who stopped WannaCry malware pleads not guilty to Kronos crime

Marcus Hutchins has pleaded not guilty to charges of creating and distributing the Kronos malware that targeted internet users 2 years ago.
Mobile Malware

How to keep yourself safe from Chinese spyware on budget Android phones

Chinese Android software transmitted personal data including text messages, call details, and contacts from tens of thousands of phones.
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Mac malware goes undetected for over 5 years, can take over webcams and record keystrokes


Mac malware is on the rise, but here’s why that’s not as scary as it sounds

McAfee released its latest threat report, and there's some big news for Apple fans: Mac malware is more prevalent than ever before.
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Be careful before using your PC to charge up your e-cigarette for your next vaping fix

Rechargeable e-cigarettes can be used to host electronics for injecting malware into a PC via a USB port, yet worrisome vulnerability.
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Newly discovered Android malware Xavier clandestinely steals your data

Xavier, a newly discovered form of Android malware, downloads apps from remote sources, steals personal information, and uses encryption.
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Cyber firms warn ‘Industroyer’ malware could knock out power grids

Security firms in the U.S. and Slovakia say they've identified dangerous malware that caused the disturbing power outage in Ukraine in 2016.

Just hovering over a link in PowerPoint can now infect your system with malware

A new PowerPoint malware only needs users to hover over a link with their mice in order to install a banking Trojan that has remote access.
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Researchers discover new class of Android malware that hides its tracks

It's called a "Cloak and Dagger" attack, and researchers say it's technically possible with any app distributed through Google's Play Store.
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A speed benefit in solid-state disk design opens them up for attack

An aspect of MLC SSD design makes things faster, but it also opens SSDs up to a particularly nasty form of data corruption attack.
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Russian Android malware infects millions of phones, drains bank accounts

Cron, a Russian malware program that infected thousands of Android devices across the country, siphoned funds from bank accounts.
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Massive worldwide ransomware attack hits more than 200,000 victims, and climbing

A massive ransomware attack has hit over 126,000 targets worldwide, with most located in Russia, Ukraine, and Taiwan.
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Handbrake for Mac just had a brief but serious malware problem

A trojan based on the OSX.Proton malware has been discovered in Handbrake downloads from the official server in early May.
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Are Android devices really easier to hack? We asked the experts

Android malware

About 8,400 new Android malware files are discovered every day, report says

According to a new report, a new malicious Android file is discovered every 10 seconds -- so 8,400 new files are discovered every day.

Snake, the latest MacOS malware, makes its way over from Windows

A new MacOS malware attack has been identified, and this one bypasses the Gatekeeper function and installs backdoor files on MacOS machines.
Google play

Vulnerable apps on Google Play put millions of users at risk of an attack

Researchers at the University of Michigan have discovered that hundreds of apps on the Google Play Store are vulnerable to malware.
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FalseGuide malware injects unwanted ads, could have infected 2 million phones

A malware called FalseGuide has been discovered on the Google Play Store, and experts warn that it could have infected 1.8 million phones.
Internet of Things

Internet of Things malware Hajime is creating a botnet from 300,000 devices

Kaspersky Lab has recently published its research into Hajime. So far, it has focused its attention on DVRs, webcams, and routers.
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Android phones are safer than you think, says Google’s head of Android security

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New ‘BrickerBot’ malware attack kills unsecured Internet of Things devices

The Brickerbot malware program targets unsecured internet of things devices with Permanent Denial of Service (PDoS) attacks.
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Feds say they’ve finally killed notorious Kelihos spamming botnet

The Kelihos botnet has been taken down by authorities a day after the arrest of its alleged operator, who was picked up in a Spanish airport.
Android spyware

This Android malware could be the most sophisticated we’ve seen yet

A new Android malware has been discovered, and it's a bad one. Called Chrysaor, the malware can spy on your camera, GPS, and even keyboard.
Google play

Adware lived on the Google Play Store for 2 months without anyone noticing

A new adware has been discovered on the Google Play Store and existed there for two months before its discovery.
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Plug the USG into your port before you plug in that new USB flash drive

A new hardware firewall USG device is intended to help protect against USB-based malware attacks, and you can build one yourself.
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Google is improving its Safe Browsing features to protect MacOS users

Safe Browsing, Google’s in-browser warning system, is to introduce a number of new updates to help better protect MacOS users from threats.
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A pretend Pornhub app is infecting Android phones with malware

It's almost too ironic to be true. Porn is giving smartphones a virus that locks their users out of their handsets.
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Analysis of internet-connected devices reveals millions are vulnerable to attack

Trend Micro conducted an analysis of Shodan's data on connected devices for February 2016, and found millions that are vulnerable to attack.
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Possible Russian hacker network may be responsible for new MacOS malware

The APT28 hacker network, at work since 2007, apparently has a new tool in its arsenal, a MacOS version of the Xagent malware.
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Clogged arteries and compromised credit cards could come from eating at Arby's

Arby's has "recently remediated a breach involving malicious software installed on payment card systems at hundreds of its locations."
A hand on a laptop in a dark surrounding.

MacOS suffers its first-ever Word macro attack

MacOS has now suffered its very first Microsoft Word macro attack, as Ars Technica has now reported.
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Satan ransomware-as-a-service makes it easy to hold data hostage

Ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) platforms, let anyone subscribe to the ability to engage in cyberattacks without writing their own code.
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This is how Google ensures the Play Store remains free from potential malware

Google works pretty relentlessly to ensure there's as little malware as possible on the Google Play Store.