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Lightweight infrared camera technology to help uncover what's unknown about our moon

Lightweight IR camera technology will allow a new mini satellite to photograph the moon from up close. If the first mission is successful, Mars is next.
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NASA adds five novel ideas to its initiative to cut planes' fuel usage in half

A new initiative will study five, green technology ideas selected during NASA's Transformative Aeronautics Concepts Program.
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Watch a NASA rocket fire in slow motion, thanks to an advanced new camera

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NASA releases cute Mars rover game to celebrate Curiosity anniversary

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You’ve been invited to design a 3D-printed tool for the International Space Station

Have you dreamed of designing a 3D-printed tool for use by the astronauts on the International Space Station? Here is your chance.
gender equality legos nasa

Advocate seeks better gender equity in the Lego universe with formal proposal

You can sign a proposal to help bring female NASA scientists to the Lego world, as part of an effort to reduce marginalization and improve gender equality.
nasa spacex crew mission 16 080

NASA turns to SpaceX once again for its latest crew mission to ISS

As NASA continues to decrease its reliance on Russia, the agency orders a second SpaceX crew mission to the ISS.
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MIT is developing vibrating space boots that warn astronauts of tripping hazards

A team of researchers have developed vibrating boots which could sense obstacles and vibrate to warn their wearers.
year on earth million miles away dscovr epic camera 20150706 ifv

NASA time-lapse shows a year on Earth from a million miles away

NASA has taken images captured by its EPIC camera module on board the NOAA DSCOVR spacecraft and created a mesmerizing time-lapse of a year on Earth.
hubble finds ten times the number of galaxies in universe

Gravity helped the Hubble telescope shoot this mesmerizing deep space photo

The Hubble Telescope recently shoot photos of the deepest views in space using something almost as simple as gravity.
exoplanet haul transits2 on starfield editable 02 20x30

Kepler finds 104 exoplanets in the largest single haul of confirmed planets

A total of 104 planets out of 197 original candidates have been confirmed, with four of those offering promise as potentially rocky, habitable worlds.
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NASA finalizes next Mars rover, inching closer to 2020 launch

The rover will help NASA investigate Martian surface rocks for signs of prior life, collect samples, and store them for recovery by future missions.
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NASA satellite pulls a 360 flip while staring at the sun, for science

Twice a year, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory performs a 360-degree flip to capture detailed images of the outer rim of the sun.
juno jupiter first image from orbit junojupiter

NASA’s Juno sends back the first image from within Jupiter’s orbit

It’s been a five-year journey for Juno from Earth to Jupiter, and the spacecraft has just returned an image from within the gas giant’s orbit.
dscovr nasa photobomb nasamoon

The Moon photobombed NASA’s images of Earth … again

While a NASA camera on the Deep Space Climate Observatory satellite was trying to observe the Earth's atmosphere, the Moon interrupted for a moment.
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Wildlife reasearchers just turned the ISS into a space-based animal tracker

In a one-of-a-kind endeavor, wildlife biologists are using the International Space Station to track thousands of migratory animals in real-time.
ceres bart landslide

Origin of ice on the Moon may be explained by this dwarf planet's 'darkest secret'

Fresh interest has emerged in Ceres following the discovery of permanently shadowed craters that contain the dwarf planet’s 'darkest secret.'
GM-NASA RoboGlove and Robonaut 2

GM and NASA’s ‘RoboGlove’ may soon help factory workers fight fatigue

General Motors is licensing the "RoboGlove" technology it developed in concert with NASA to Swedish medical tech company Bioservo.
nasa balloon record spb

NASA’s high-flying scientific balloon has just set a world record

nasa jupiter juno time lapse moons space 160701

Juno shares incredible time lapse of Jupiter’s moons during descent into orbit

Five years after leaving Earth, NASA’s Juno spacecraft captured and shared this incredible time lapse of Jupiter's moons in orbit.
mars sand dune martian dunes

Only on Mars! Why the odd dunes spotted by Curiosity can’t occur on Earth

Close-up observations from NASA’s Curiosity rover have revealed a unique kind of wind-sculpted sand ripples on the Red Planet.
new horizons spacecraft newhorizons

NASA gives New Horizons approval to explore deeper into space

On its journey, the probe will swoop by some two dozen Kuiper-Belt objects to examine details about the formation of the early solar syystem.
jupiter dynamo jupiter3

Juno just entered Jupiter’s magnetosphere, and the sounds it captured are amazing

Juno has just left the realm of the solar wind and entered the domain of Jupiter’s magnetosphere.
jupiter aurora jupiteraurora

Hubble images are first glimpse of Jupiter’s current massive aurora

This week NASA/ESA Hubble Telescope astronomers have released an image of a gorgeous aurora twirling above Jupiter’s pole.
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NASA explains why Jupiter-bound mission is important

In just four days, Juno will come in contact with one of the most treacherous forces in our solar system – Jupiter’s legendary magnetic field.
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Watch NASA test the monstrous rocket booster that’ll take us to Mars

NASA Has Tested The World's Most Powerful Rocket Booster For The Second -- And Last -- Time On Earth
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NASA awards $5.1 million contract to recycle pee

NASA just awarded a company a $5.1 million contract to develop and deliver a water-recovery system to filter sweat and urine into potable water.
Space Station

NASA buys $750K gadget to recycle 3D-printed plastic on the space station

NASA is paying big bucks to experiment with plastics recycling on the International Space Station, paying $750K for a combo 3D printer and recycler machine.
nasa repair robot restore l

NASA’s long-armed robot will refuel and repair satellites in space

NASA wants to revolutionize how the space industry manages orbiting spacecraft with its new Restore-L robot designed to refuel satellites in space.
esa astronaut cave training caves featured

ESA locking astronauts in an underground cave … for training

ESA astronauts have an unusual training regime that takes them hundreds of miles up ... and hundreds of miles down into the bowels of the earth.
hubble finds ten times the number of galaxies in universe

NASA approves Hubble Space Telescope for 5 more years of operation

NASA has announced that the Hubble Space Telescope will continue to capture the final frontier through the year 2021
juno flyby 34769886  jupiter and satellite

Before Juno’s upcoming historic entry into Jupiter’s orbit, watch how it all began

Destination: Jupiter promises to shed light on the science and technology behind NASA’s ambitious mission a few days before Juno enters Jupiter’s orbit.
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Want to see what 53-billion pixels looks like? Bentley constructs image as big as a football field

Sure, you could use the tech developed by NASA to take photographs of Mars for scienfic things, but wouldn't it be more fun to shoot a luxury car with it?
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This NASA-backed startup is building a 3D bioprinter that makes human organs in space

Scientists have made history by 3D printing a heart structure