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antares rocket explodes just seconds takeoff screen shot 2014 10 28 at 5 01 58 pm

Unmanned Antares rocket explodes just seconds after takeoff

Mere seconds after leaving the launchpad today, an unmanned Orbital Sciences Antares rocket malfunctioned, exploded, and crashed back to Earth

NASA is funding research on deep sleep for transporting astronauts to Mars

Cryostasis, a staple of space-age science fiction for so many years, might soon become a viable reality. NASA is funding research for it
nasa send 3d printer space

NASA is about to send a 3D printer into space

start serious drone habit drones 101

NASA developing automatic traffic management system for drones

nasa confirms impossible space drive actually works revolutionize travel screen shot 2014 08 01 at 12 55 42 pm

NASA confirms ‘impossible’ thruster actually works, could revolutionize space travel

Despite the fact that they're still unsure of how it works exactly, NASA scientists have confirmed once again that the seemingly impossible EmDrive is legit.
scientists just created worlds darkest material heres thats significant vantablack

From camo to stargazing, here’s what’s in store for the world’s blackest material

UK tech firm Surrey Nanosystems has developed a material so black that you can't even see it -- you can only see that there's a black void.

NASA 3D prints a nebula — and you can do the same at home


NASA moving ahead with asteroid-capture plan, wants to grab one in 2019

amateur radio operator calls space station and you can too nasa international

NASA beams down duet of video firsts from the ISS in outer space

NASA utilizes a laser instrument to transmit the first HD video from space, while astronaut Reid Wiseman becomes the first to capture a Vine from space.
fallouts pip boy 3000 real thing thanks nasa pipboy

Fallout’s Pip-Boy 3000 is a real thing thanks to NASA

In response to a NASA Challenge aimed at developing open-source wearable tech, a team from Reno has developed a working Pip-Boy 3000 from the Fallout games.
space stations robonaut takes delivery of legs robonaut2

Space station’s Robonaut takes delivery of legs

Blood moon

End of days or stellar photo op? Rare ‘blood moon’ eclipses start tonight

On April 15, the first in a series of four lunar eclipses will occur, in which the moon will appear red.
first instagram post in space iss from

Astronaut Instagrams first selfie from space

On April 8, astronaut Steven Swanson made history by becoming the first person to post on Instagram, from outer space. That photo? A selfie, naturally.
despite disputes authenticity apollo 15 camera receives nearly 1 million winning bid mond hasselblad 18x18cm 02 featured

Despite disputes of authenticity, Apollo 15 camera receives nearly $1 million winning bid

A Hasselblad camera used in the Apollo 15 moon landing mission was sold for more than $900,000 at the WestLicht auction, but there's some controversy.
nasa visualization explorer app nasavizbanner

Get your Cosmos on with the new NASA Visualization Explorer app

Can't get enough about science and space? Check out NASA Visualization Explorer, a universal app for iOS devices that will help you get your fix of scientific discoveries.

NASA offers $35,000 to ‘citizen scientist’ asteroid hunters

nasa releases awesome gravity inspired images just ahead of oscars 1

NASA releases set of awesome Gravity-inspired images just ahead of Oscars

mars rover opportunity sends photo back earth 10 years later pia17759 featured

Mars Rover Opportunity still rolling 10 years on, sends selfie back to Earth to prove it

Ten years ago, the Mars Rover Opportunity landed on Mars. It's still roaming, and sent back to Earth a 360-degree panorama of itself.

Oculus Rift and Kinect used to power robot arm for NASA

nasa squishable robot super ball bot

NASA’s squishable robot ideal for exploring Titan, Saturn’s largest moon

NASA’s Nexus S satellite phones home from space

space stations robonaut takes delivery of legs robonaut2

NASA to equip Robonaut with (very long) legs in 2014 upgrade

Antares Rocket Launches

To boldly go where no social media fan has gone before (and then post selfies about it)

university of hawaii long term space exploration program hiseas 2

You can help NASA plan for Mars by playing astronaut in Hawaii

The University of Hawaii at Mānoa is looking for people to participate in a series of space exploration studies designed to simulate long-term space travel.
governments triumphant return to the web our 7 favorite apps and accounts that logged back on imgres

The Government’s back … online! Our 7 favorite apps and accounts that have returned

The shutdown didn't only close the gates on national parks - we also lost our beloved panda cam. Now it - and others - are back online.
obamacare healthcare exchanges ios 7 exchange

Obama compares broken online healthcare exchanges to iOS 7

New online healthcare exchanges have buckled under heavy traffic – a temporary problem, according to Obama, who compared the exchanges to iOS 7.

Want some social with your science? The best Instagrams from NASA’s rocket launch

NASA and Orbital Sciences sent a rocket to the International Space Station on Wednesday – and here's how we documented it.

Behind the scenes at NASA: This is what it takes to supply a space station

Tomorrow - weather permitting - NASA will launch this rocket into space.
NASA VEGGIE Kevlar pillow packs

NASA will boldly grow where no man has grown before

thanks nasa now googles poor founders have to buy private jet fuel like everyone else airplane shutterstock

Thanks to NASA, Google’s poor founders have to buy private jet fuel like everyone else

Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin will no longer be able to fill up their aircrafts with discounted NASA jet fuel.
instagram is out of this world literally now that nasa has an account

‘We’ll never turn Mars blue:’ NASA’s Instagram account will go easy on the filters

NASA launches its official Instagram account.

NASA-engineered Airocide makes air as clean as Mother Nature intended

Now you can own a piece of NASA technology with the Airocide, one of the most efficient and complex air filtration systems on the market.
oh so this is how nasas 3d printer will work in orbit nasa

Oh! So that’s how NASA’s 3D printer will work on the International Space Station

Never thought 3D printers would be on the International Space Station? As of June of 2014, they will be, and this video shows how they'll work.
boeing shows off interior of next gen space capsule cst 100 and astronaut

Boeing shows off interior of next-gen space capsule