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On ‘The Day We Fight Back,’ can we knock the NSA the same way we stomped SOPA?

Can the Internet do to the NSA what it did to the Stop Online Piracy Act? The 'Day We Fight Back' campaign hopes the answer is yes.
I have a dream Internet Freedom Day

MLK’s ‘I Have a Dream’ censored from Web on Internet Freedom Day

Internet Defense League cat signal

How to install the Internet Defense League ‘cat signal’ on your Tumblr blog


Occupy this: 5 Internet regulations we need to destroy

Desperate for knowledge? Here’s how to use Wikipedia today


Sega mishandles SOPA question, creates funny video as apology


Sony, EA, Nintendo drop explicit SOPA support

GoDaddy backpedals some more: now officially opposes SOPA

December 29 is ‘Dump GoDaddy Day’

go daddy boobs

GoDaddy goes back on pro-SOPA stance to avoid boycott


Anti-SOPA activists launch GoDaddy boycott [update: GoDaddy flips on SOPA]


The 439 organizations SOPA opponents should worry about [updated]