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Asteroid `Oumuamua

‘Oumuamua isn’t alone: More interstellar objects found in our solar system

The 'Oumuamua space object made headlines when it was revealed to originate from outside of our Solar System, and now a new paper argues that there could be hundreds of 'Oumuamua-sized interstellar objects in our Solar System, some of which could be identifiable by the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope.
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Kepler telescope data sheds brilliant new light on dying star

Using data from the now retired Kepler Telescope, researchers have examined a supernova called SN 2018oh and have gathered the most detailed information ever about the death of a star. Astronomers are examining the data to learn about how at the end of their lives, stars explode in a huge burst of light.
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Scientists are beginning to worry about bacteria found in Space Station toilet

Scientists are beginning to worry about five new strains of microbes found in the toilet on the International Space Station. They're similar to recently discovered multi-drug resistant bacteria on Earth but they don't pose an immediate health risk to astronauts.
hr8799c atmospere water hr 8799 planetary system

Astronomers find water in atmosphere of nearby planet in Pegasus constellation

Astronomers from the Keck Observatory have discovered water on a nearby planet known as HR 8799 c. HR 8799 c is only 179 light-years away from Earth, making it a relatively close neighbor to us, and is a large planet seven times more massive than Jupiter which orbits around its star every 200 years.
asteroid flying by earth this weekend watch it online

Two asteroids pass close to Earth today — one the size of the Statue of Liberty

Today will be a busy day in the skies above our planet: not one but two asteroids will be passing close enough to Earth to be considered a near-Earth object (NEO). The larger NEO, known as 2009 WB105, is a monster measuring between 170 feet and 400 feet across, bigger than the Statue of Liberty.

Ghostly galaxy discovered lurking on the edge of the Milky Way

A team of astronomers from the University of Cambridge have discovered a strange galaxy next door to the Milky Way. The dwarf galaxy, named Antlia 2, is much larger than other dwarf galaxies. But it is dark and dim and gives out much less light than expected, hence being described as ghostly.
This artist's rendering shows the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft collecting a sample from the asteroid Bennu using a mechanical arm to touch the asteroid's surface.

OSIRIS-REx spacecraft successfully tests its asteroid-sampling arm

The OSIRIS-REx spacecraft, launched in September 2016, is closing in on its target of the Bennu asteroid. And on October 16 NASA confirmed that an important step had been taken: the craft unfurled its robotic arm, called the Touch-and-Go Sample Acquisition Mechanism (TAGSAM), and tested it.
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Hope it doesn’t melt! Rocket to ISS carries vital supplies — including ice cream

A rocket has launched over Virginia's eastern shore, carrying supplies to the International Space Station (ISS). The rocket used was an Antares developed by Orbital Sciences Corporation. Inside the spacecraft are supplies for the ISS itself and the crew onboard, such as scientific equipment and food.

New simulation shows how Elon Musk’s internet satellite network might work

Starlink is Elon Musk’s ambitious dream of building a network for conveying internet traffic via thousands of satellites Musk hopes to have in orbit by the mid-2020s. A new simulation created by a computer scientist looks at how feasible the idea is. Here's what he concluded.
rocket lab steps into spotlight with its first commercial launch

Rocket Lab steps into spotlight with its first commercial rocket launch

California-based Rocket Lab has successfully deployed multiple small satellites into orbit in its first notable commercial rocket launch. Its New Zealand-born boss said that with its Electron launch vehicle, "rapid and reliable access to space is now a reality for small satellites."
scientists confirm direct detection of gravitational waves ligo2

Pairs of supermassive black holes spotted in colliding galaxies

Astronomers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich have discovered several pairs of supermassive black holes in galaxies that are colliding with each other. These pairs of black holes will spiral closer and closer together and eventually merge into one enormous supermassive black hole.
rogue planets discovered planet illustration

Astronomers discover two rogue planets that do not orbit a star

Astronomers from Warsaw University, Poland have identified two rogue planets in our galaxy which do not orbit around a star. Unlike the vast majority of discovered planets, these rogue planets drift through space alone with no sun to shine on them. Some researchers predict many more could exist in our galaxy.
curiosity rover selfie 2016

Curiosity rover active and drilling again after computer issue

The Curiosity rover exploring Mars has succeeded in drilling a hole into the tough bedrock that previously defeated it, allowing imaging and collection of samples from the planet's surface. The rover had been incapacitated for a few weeks due to problems with its computer, but is now moving once more.
Asteroid `Oumuamua

Cigar-shaped comet may actually be an alien probe, Harvard scientists suggest

The story of the cigar-shaped comet called 'Oumuamua just got a little bit weirder now that researchers from the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics say the outer-space object may actually be an alien probe.
starman spacex last photo

Starman and his Tesla Roadster continue lonely journey out beyond Mars

Elon Musk's SpaceX company has confirmed that its space-faring Tesla Roadster and its driver Starman have passed beyond Mars and will soon reach their point furthest from the Sun. In a few days, the car will swing around and head back towards the Sun and will eventually pass closest to Earth in 2020.
This artist's rendering shows the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft collecting a sample from the asteroid Bennu using a mechanical arm to touch the asteroid's surface.

First images of the Bennu asteroid sent by NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft

The first images of the Bennu asteroid have been shared by NASA, which has collected them from its OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft. The mission aims to touch down on the surface of the asteroid and collect a sample to be brought back to Earth, where it will be studied to learn about the origin of the solar system.
Mercury orbiter BepiColombo

Mission to Mercury successfully launched by Japanese and European space agencies

A spacecraft with a mission to explore Mercury has been launched in a combined effort by the European Space Agency and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. The aim of the mission is to study Mercury's inner core and perhaps even to discover information about the formation of our solar system.
hubble alpha centauri telescope feat

Hubble Telescope functioning again after activation of backup gyro

NASA has announced that the Hubble telescope has been fixed. On October 5, the telescope suffered a failure of one of six gyros on board -- instruments which measure the rotation of the craft. After the activation of a backup gyro and a series of maneuvers, the telescope will return to normal operations.
esa moon base germany vr rendering of luna facility copy

Europe’s space agency plans to build its own “low-gravity” moon base — on Earth

The European Space Agency is developing an astronaut center in Cologne, Germany, where it will replicate the surface of the moon. Dubbed Luna, the facility will be used to test new technology and tools that future crews may find handy while exploring our nearest cosmic neighbor.
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Biologists have found a hormone that could make space farming possible

Researchers at the University of Zurich have shown how space farming may be possible. By encouraging plants to excrete a certain hormone, they’ve demonstrated that crops can thrive despite challenging conditions, such as low-nutrient soil and microgravity.
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Tesla’s referral program lets owners send laser-etched photos into space

Tesla has a referral program that provides its loyal owners who recommend the company's cars to others with rewards. The latest reward offered through the program is an interesting one: Tesla will laser-etch any photo of the owner's choosing and shoot it into space.
space x first passenger in trip round moon spacex rocket

Who will be the first private passenger to the moon? SpaceX will tell us today

Later today, Elon Musk's SpaceX is set to announce the name of the mystery passenger who it will launch into orbit around the Moon. Provided all goes according to plan, this person will become the first lunar traveler since the last U.S. Apollo mission way back in 1972.
collision of two distant neutron stars

Artificial intelligence discovers dozens of mysterious cosmic signals

In a recent study, the researchers used an A.I. system to discover dozens of previously unidentified fast radio bursts from a source some three billion light years away. The fast radio bursts were picked from out from a data set that had already been analyzed by astronomers.
nasa lasers broadband space satellite feat

Orbiting satellite offers a unique view of a recent rocket launch

Now here's a view of a rocket launch you probably weren't expecting. Showing last week's launch of a Chinese rocket from a launch site in the Gobi Desert around 1,000 miles west of Beijing, the extraordinary footage was captured from an orbiting satellite 332 miles up.
Asteroid Mining

Asteroid mining is almost reality. What to know about the gold rush in space

Mining resources from asteroids may sound like the stuff of science fiction, but it could be well on its way to becoming science fact. What will be mined? Why do we want this? And who are the big names to watch out for? Check out our beginner's guide to all things space rock-drilling.
space elevator could be ready by 2050 ride takes a week

Japan preps first test for its awesome ‘space elevator’

Japan is preparing to carry out the first test in space for a so-called “space elevator” that could one day transport people and cargo to orbiting stations way above Earth. Several organizations are looking into the feasibility of the project, with one group aiming for an ambitious-sounding 2050 launch.
tennis on the international space station in

Tennis on the International Space Station is as weird as it sounds

Four astronauts made history this week by playing the first game of tennis in space. OK, it was with a squishy ball and tiny rackets, but it was still tennis ... sort of. The event was to show how ISS astronauts spend their leisure time, and to inspire youngsters to take an interest in space exploration.
planetary resources asteroid mining

Want a future-proof degree? Head to Colorado for asteroid mining

Are you an engineering grad, economist, physicist, or policy analyst looking to become an expert in an exciting new discipline? If so, the Colorado School of Mines has the perfect answer for you: You should take up space mining. And they have the perfect course to help.
the worlds biggest plane now has some rockets to launch stratolaunch

The world’s biggest plane now has some rockets to launch

Stratolaunch, the commercial space firm led by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, has unveiled a set of rocket-powered vehicles that will one day travel with the world's largest plane to launch satellites into space. The company said that getting satellites into space "will soon be as easy as booking an airline flight.”
aerogel mars colonization beer with spill

Science says waste beer could help us live on Mars

Scientists at the University of Colorado Boulder have developed a new super-insulating gel, created from beer waste, which could one day be used for building greenhouse-like habitats on Mars. Here's how it works, and why this is such a promising material both on Earth and beyond.
omega centauri life heic0910g

Omega Centauri hosts 10 million stars and probably not an ounce of life

Omega Centauri is a sight to behold. It contains some 10 million stars, making it the largest globular cluster in the Milky Way. And at about 16,000 light years away, it is visible to the naked eye and a prime object of observation for professional astronomers. But does it host life?
heron preston nasa collection nasawear4

Spacesuit-inspired streetwear collection celebrates NASA’s 60th birthday

Streetwear designer Heron Preston celebrated Nasa's 60th birthday by releasing a line of spacesuit-inspired streetwear, including hoodies, jackets, pants, hats, belts, socks, and a backpack. To promote the collection, he launched a stylish mannequin up to the stratosphere.
supermassive black hole general relativity artist  s impression of s2 passing at c

Astronomers finally confirm general relativity around a supermassive black hole

For the first time, astronomers have confirmed Einstein’s century-old theory of general relativity in action near a black hole. An international team of professional sky-gazers and observed gravitational redshift around a supermassive black hole.
mars habitat search apis cor 3dph

Winners of NASA’s habitat competition offer a glimpse of Martian living

To get a better understanding of what habitats might look like on Mars, NASA partnered with Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois for its 3D-Printed Habitat Centennial Challenge competition. The agency recently announced the five winners of the latest phase.