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error pages are horrible but these awesome ones you wouldnt mind getting octopus final

Dread the 404? These whimsical takes on error pages beg you to reconsider

Getting the dreaded 404 page can be annoying as hell, but not when it's these pages.
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Miss Netiquette’s guide to shameless social media self-promotion

Social media can be a tricky thing to navigate and no one has written the rules on codes of conduct.
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Is Facebook the ultimate resource for pro matchmakers, or a simpleton’s dating database?

Now that dating online is an accepted form of relationship building, we explore the world of matchmaking and how social media plays a part in the process.

Why we’re cautiously optimistic about Twitter’s new authentication system

Twitter formerly had an unreliable system for keeping your account safe - thankfully, it's upgraded solution. Here's why you should get on board.
fb celebrity

Twitter who? Facebook wants you to brush shoulders with celebrities, too

Facebook is courting celebrity users and introducing trending topics; sound familiar?

Internet free speech: We’re doing it wrong

A pattern of abuse has developed in the way we exercise our right to free speech on the Web. And if we don't put a stop to it, we might not like the outcome.
Video games aren’t breeding murderers (just hate-fueled bigots)

Video games aren’t breeding murderers (just hate-fueled bigots)

Twitter now lets you access recent searches

In a recent tweet, Twitter announced important updates to its search function, particularly the ability to access recently executed searches.
passion of the fanboy what happens when angry kids threaten to kill you over a game twitter death threats header 50

Passion of the fanboy: What happens when angry kids threaten to kill you over a game?

the 10 best twitter bots you arent following bot

The 8 best Twitter bots you aren’t following

Twitter bots might drive you crazy, but a few of them out there are both useful and entertaining. Here are our eight favorites.
are we bored of our social networks rihanna is talking to final

Are we actually bored of our social networks, or just impossible to please?

The designer behind a recent Facebook concept is back with a Twitter version. We're constantly dissatisfied with social networks, so do we really want change?
instagram the dictators choice how social media lets us mingle with villains dictator header

Instagram: The dictator’s choice! How social media lets us mingle with villains

Following despots and delinquents online is a fascinating exercise.
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Chipotle, the product of a system: Twitter, lying liars, and the nature of ambition

Chipotle was recently outed as faking its way to Twitter fame - but before we vilify the brand, look at all the fakery going on inside Twitter.
here are a couple of twitters most popular emoticons according to emoji tracker

Want to know what Twitter emoji are most popular?

A new Web app called Emoji Tracker displays all of Twitter's emoji activity in real time - and the revelations are surprising.
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This is how users really feel about the social Web

A new survey says social networks don't satisfy us - but we keep crawling back.

Let’s not congratulate Twitter on making up these horrible words

This week there's been some online discussion about the additions Twitter has made to our vocabulary. Here's the thing though: They're awful.

11 Royal Baby tweets that prove brands have lost their damn minds

Today two people had a baby - to be specific, the royal baby. And then Twitter lost its mind - here's how.
Bible on Kindle in Church

RT this @Pontifex! 4 even more ridiculous ways to digitize the church

Catholic? Want to get as close to a skip purgatory and go straight to heaven card? Then you're in luck: Just start following the Pope on Twitter.
the new inside source for police forces social networks facebook thumb

In the online hunt for criminals, social media is the ultimate snitch

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social networks are valuable sources in criminal cases. What you say on these sites can be damning evidence.

IFTTT’s iOS app is here: 10 recipes you need to make it look like you get social networking

Want all the benefits of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram without ... you know ... doing much work? Then these IFTTT recipes have your back.
twitter fight

Twitter finally fixed Direct Message syncing – does it have other plans for the feature?

Even Twitter seems to have neglected its Direct Messages feature, but recently with new updates we suspect that the DM is undergoing a transformation.
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Do we really want all our social networks to have private messaging?

There's a new app to help you private message on Instagram - is it necessary or a nuisance?
fugitive taunts law enforcement on twitter gets arrested jailbird

Fugitive taunts law enforcement on Twitter, leads to her arrest

our own worst tech nightmares jay z

How Jay-Z reinvented the art of the Twitter Q&A

Jay-Z's marathon of re-tweets will go down in the history books of Twitter ... when there are history books of Twitter.
Miss Nettiquette 07_06_2013 header

Miss Netiquette’s guide to not getting fired while using social media

We're here to help you with best practices for sites Web-wide, including the dos and don'ts of using the Internet while also keeping (or getting) a job.
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Twitter starts targeting ads based on Web history, but you can opt out

Surprise! Twitter is still teeming with fake accounts

The Twitter spam and bot problem is a well known one, and a new study says it hasn't been fixed.

Alec Baldwin hatequits Twitter in spectacular fashion

The Twitter career of Alec Baldwin is apparently over (again) after the actor went on a tear against a journalist, threatening to "straighten out."
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Miss Netiquette’s guide to recovering from social media party fouls

Social media can be a tricky thing to navigate and no one has written the rules on codes of conduct.
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Subtweeting: The secret, subtle art of Twitter gossip

If you want to diss someone on Twitter, there's no way more sly than the subtweet.
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The first tweet-sourced beer is here and it sounds delicious

A brewery in London named a beer called #Mashtag after Twitter hashtags. It was only a matter of time.

Is this app responsible for the out of control Instagram hashtag situation?

Instagram can be a little bit hard to bear, thanks to people's overuse of hashtags. Are services like Instatag to blame for this bad habit?
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With Instagram video out, Twitter is on the attack to sign up new Vine users

Twitter isn't sitting still now that Instagram video is available. Twitter is pulling out all the stops to retain and sign up new users - even via email.
social media updating

Take flight, social butterflies! This is the when and where of expert updating

In the hyper-active world of social media, it's very easy to disappear among the irrelevant. Here's how you and your posts can stand out.