Teams of nanorobots can now swim through bloodstreams, target cancer, and deliver a drug deep into the tumor without harming surrounding healthy tissues.
From the Cuban Missile Crisis to the U-2 spy plane incident and a computer glitch at the NORAD Command Post, the world seemed on the brink of destruction.
The National Institute of Health will reconsider its moratorium and potentially grant federal funds to human-animal chimera experiments as early as 2017.
Modern day theranostics sees therapy and diagnostics seamlessly merged into one efficient system, to cut back on time spent at the clinic and in treatment.
What will be this year’s biggest technological breakthrough? The WEF recently tackled that question with a list of the top ten emerging technologies.
The structure has been theorized for years but it’s finally been observed by astronomers, thanks to their keen eyes, tenacity, and activity on social media.
“Smart” threads are equipped with nanoscale sensors and electronics to wirelessly collect diagnostic data in real time when sutured through body tissue.