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Latest by Nick Mokey

Sony Vaio X Series Review

Lenovo ThinkPad Edge Review

Fujifilm Unleashes New FinePix Digicams for 2010

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No Flash for You: Dissecting Steve Jobs’ Flash Explanation

Are Book Publishers the New Record Labels?

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Flash Forward: How the iPad’s Lack of Flash Could Spell Disaster

Kodak Zi8 Review

Inside Apple’s iBooks library: Five publishers on board with the iPad

We look at the five publishers that will populate Apple's iBooks library with books, and some of the specific titles they might bring with them.
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The Five Best Features of Apple’s New iPad Tablet

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Is The World Ready for Tablet PCs?

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Top 10 Signs of Cell Phone Addiction

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Will OnLive Kill the Gaming Rig?

Palm Pre Plus Juggles 50 Apps at Once

Asus Goes Stealth With Matte Black G73Jh Gaming Notebook

Pinching and Pivoting on Lenovo’s IdeaPad S10-3t Multitouch Netbook Tablet

Tapping Two Touchpads With Asus’ NX90Jq

Hands On With Kodak’s Slice Touch Screen Camera

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Plastic Logic Que proReader Hands on First Impressions

Taking Skiff’s Sprint-Powered Reader for a Hands On Spin

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D-Link Boxee Box Hands On First Impressions

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New Netbooks in 2010

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New In-Car Tech for 2010

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Skype TVs Usher in the Era of Living Room Videoconferencing

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Ford Reworks Sync with MyFord Touch

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Two In One: Lenovo’s U1 Hybrid is Part Laptop, Part Tablet

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Hands on with Lenovo’s Ultra-Slim Skylight

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New 3D Televisions for 2010

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Which New Tech Trends Will Take Off In 2010?

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New E-Readers and E-Book Players for 2010

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Apple’s Tablet: Will it Rule the Tablet PC Market?

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Hands on Mini Review of Motorola’s Backflip

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Testing Spring Design’s Android-Powered Alex e-Book Reader

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Stereoscopic Shortage: Where Will 3D Content Come From?

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Project Natal Goes on Sale Fall 2010