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Latest by Trevor Mogg

iPhone 4 camera

Suspects plead not guilty in lost iPhone 4 prototype case

Growing popularity of special desk makes standing the new sitting

Refurbished iPad 2 units now selling in Apple’s online store

Google’s Blogger gets new look and new features

Scientists use laser beams to control rainfall

mobotaps dolphin browser comes to the iphone gesture press image

MoboTap’s Dolphin browser comes to the iPhone

uk supermarket trials ipad shopping cart sports fans targeted sainsburys trolley

UK supermarket trials iPad shopping cart, sports fans targeted

Brit garbage collectors to get iPads to aid job

Samsung unveils Wave 3, Wave M and Wave Y bada OS smartphones

Staff fired for putting electronic tag on offender’s false leg

BBC planning to broadcast 2012 Olympics in 3D and super hi-vision

Facebook pays bug hunters $40,000 in less than a month

Japanese firm asks staff to get same energy-saving haircut

bridesmaid attends wedding using ipads facetime app ipad 2

Bridesmaid attends wedding using iPad’s FaceTime app

HP offers TouchPad owners six free apps – but hurry

virginia quake resulted in 5500 tweets per second map shows spread twitter

Virginia quake resulted in 5,500 tweets per second, map shows spread

BBM Music service unveiled by RIM

sony subtitle glasses could be a hit with deaf moviegoers

Sony ‘subtitle glasses’ could be a hit with deaf moviegoers

Twitter users respond to Steve Jobs’ decision to step down

Rumor: New BlackBerry smartphones to run Android apps

Alleged thief makes it easy for cops thanks to Photobucket


Apple leads the pack in per-square-foot retail sales

Samsung announces new low-cost smartphones, targets emerging markets

United Airlines pilots to begin using iPads

McAfee: Android increasingly targeted by malware authors

Web surfing is good for office workers, study says

iTunes streaming Chili Peppers’ new album for free

HP TouchPad slashed to $99

Come join us, Microsoft says to WebOS developers

British Airways cabin crew given iPads

star wars coins to become legal tender on south pacific island 1

Star Wars coins to become legal tender on South Pacific island

RIM’s BlackBerry music service to launch soon

former russian pilot builds flying car just 1

Former Russian pilot builds flying car – just

Apple iPad 2

Survey: Potential tablet buyers fixed on iPad