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Staff picks 07_13_2013 header

Defying water, science myths and common sense in this week’s Staff Picks

new york first city in us to secure own domain name

.nyc – New York becomes first city in US to secure own domain name

edward snowden has finally joined twitter pose

Wikileaks says Snowden has applied for asylum in 21 countries

how to use rss guide news subscriptions aggregator icon

The lights go out on Google Reader

Internet Hall Of Fame inductees 2013

Meet the 2013 Internet Hall Of Fame inductees … wait, there’s an Internet Hall Of Fame?

google unveils designs for new uk headquarters in london

Google unveils designs for new UK headquarters in London

Google Reader is dead but the race to replace the RSS feed is very alive

Google Reader is dead but the race to replace the RSS feed is very alive

Today marks the death of Google Reader, but the market is bursting with new options.
terms and conditions wikipedia

Terms & Conditions: Wikipedia is open, but your user data isn’t

Wikipedia is all about openness. But its Terms of Use and Privacy Policy keep users' identities a secret.
staff picks 06_29_2013 header

Robot apes, the most badass biker ever, and more in this week’s Staff Picks

google offers use of trekker cameras to capture street view imagery trekkers

Google asks groups to capture Street View imagery, launches Trekker camera loan program

abandoned japanese island that inspired villains lair in skyfall on street view hashima2

Abandoned Japanese island that inspired villain’s lair in Skyfall comes to Street View

millionaire space tourist dennis tito planning 2018 trip to mars

Interplanetary payments? ‘PayPal Galactic’ initiative to prep space-based payment system. No, really.

North, South Korean government sites defaced on Korean War anniversary

For many, the best way to mark an anniversary of a tragic event is with a sensitive condolence card. For hackers, this is just another open season.

Xbox Music for Windows 8.1 includes a radio feature and new music site-scanning technology

The Microsoft Build conference is underway, and we have a first look at everything packed inside Xbox Music for Windows 8.1
ftc tells search engines to improve ad labeling practices engine ads

FTC tells search engines to improve ad labeling practices

Opternative wants to bring the eye exam online

Opternative wants to bring the eye doctor in your living room with the first online eye exams.
The Digital Self Can the 4th Amendment fit in 140 characters

The Digital Self: Can the 4th Amendment fit in 140 characters?

When it comes to social media, the U.S. Constitution's Fourth Amendement remains just out of reach.
google rolls out street view imagery for burj khalifa worlds tallest building

Head for heights? Google rolls out Street View imagery for Burj Khalifa, world’s tallest building

So just how much money does a musician make from Pandora, anyway? (Spoilers: Not that much)

edward snowden has finally joined twitter pose

WikiLeaks helping Edward Snowden in race to find ‘safe’ country, Ecuador likely destination

Lulu Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions: Sorry gents, Lulu has you hanging by your data

Lulu, the social networking app where women rate the men in their lives, plays fast and hard with guys' data without ever asking them for permission.
Staff Pics 06_22_2013 header

The worst employee ever, Google Poetics and more in this week’s staff picks

One of our favorite little Web tools, Google Trends, gets a big makeover

Google Trends is a must-have - and now it's a must-see.
twitter abusing the asksnowden qa is why we cant have nice things snowden

Whistleblower Snowden charged with espionage by US authorities

pen to paper

Can pen and paper survive in a world of touchscreens and tablets?

The recent closing of Georgia Bureau of Investigation's Handwriting Analysis Unit has led us to question the future of handwriting in a digital age.

Remember that Yahoo email you haven’t checked since Gmail arrived? You might lose it

Has it been a while since you logged into Yahoo! Mail? You may want to consider doing that before July 15 ... otherwise, it'll be considered up for grabs.

YouTube to help ad makers make ads

The problem with advertisements on YouTube isn't that they exist, but that they're not taking full advantage of the medium. But YouTube aims to change that.
Microsoft Intelligent Car Technology

Microsoft investigated idea of launching Amazon-like e-commerce site, report says


DietBet encourages weight loss through betting on yourself

Hip-hop’s Public Enemy partners with BitTorrent to give power to the people

Public Enemy has partnered with BitTorrent to offer fans the chance to freely download their new video and exclusive elements of their new track.

‘By the way, does anyone know how to stop an asteroid?’ NASA issues ‘Grand Challenge’ to all earthlings

telegraph machine

India’s last state-operated telegram service bites the dust

Telegrams are still around with just handful of services left in India as surprising as that may be, but its presence is waning.
buzzfeed is getting sued for millions over photo accredition soccer image credit  flickr william warby

Buzzfeed is getting sued for millions over photo accreditation

Buzzfeed's photo accreditation policy is landing it in hot water.
hotel airbnb

Is Airbnb really more affordable than a hotel? See for yourself

PriceEconomics settles the question of what's cheaper - Airbnb or a hotel - with a study proving that Airbnb is in most cases your best bet.