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State of the Web internet law h

State of the Web: Why can’t Washington craft better Internet laws?

Mega cloud storage service

Mega hands-on: Come for the 50 GB of free storage, stay for the copyright infringement

Mega, Kim Dotcom's new file sharing and file storage service, was said to break ground, but it has a lot more room for improvement than we would like.
Terms and Conditions Yelp

Terms & Conditions: Yelp owns your business – forever

mega landing page

What to expect from Kim Dotcom’s Mega, launching tomorrow

Kim Dotcom is ready to release Mega, his second file storage and sharing platform, to the world tomorrow. Here's a snippet of what you should expect.
I have a dream Internet Freedom Day

MLK’s ‘I Have a Dream’ censored from Web on Internet Freedom Day


Google to build new UK headquarters in London, wacky design likely

Computer crime scene

You’re probably unknowingly breaking laws online thanks to the CFAA

u s congress employees downloaded illegal material online says report torrent

U.S. Congress employees are just like us! Report of illegal downloads at work surfaces

A new online report lists the movies and television shows illegally downloaded by workers in the U.S. House of Representatives during the fall of last year.
white house petitions wethepeople

White House raises threshold for online petitions to fend off Internet trolls

With increased users for its online petition system, the White House has announced that it is raising the threshold for official responses by 400 percent.
faa grounds all us based boeing dreamliners amid battery concerns

FAA grounds all US-based Boeing Dreamliners amid battery concerns

Personal Fill It launch’s new Fill It app makes quick work of long online forms

aaron swartz

More than a hacker martryr: Why Aaron’s Swartz’s suicide matters to everyone

japanese airlines ana and jal ground all dreamliner planes 787

Japanese airlines ANA and JAL ground all Dreamliner planes after emergency landing

State of the Web hacking PR

State of the Web: Hacking the tech PR industry

the most subscribed youtube channel is one you probably havent heard of smosh

The most subscribed to YouTube channel is one you probably haven’t heard of

The teen- and YA-based YouTube channel has just been named the most-subscribed channel on the entire site.
doodle 4 google contest kicks off 2012 winner

Doodle 4 Google contest kicks off, giving young artists a chance to win big prizes

aaron swartz

MIT, Web community respond to death of ‘Internet hero’ Aaron Swartz

writer dumps publisher launches self publishing venture over e book royalties simpson

Writer dumps publisher, launches self-publishing venture, over e-book royalties

aaron swartz

Aaron Swartz’s family claims harsh justice system contributed to his death


Google chairman urges North Korea to end Internet censorship

skype messenger

Microsoft Messenger to shut down March 15 and will be replaced by Skype

Bid Microsoft's Messenger a farewell on March 15. That day marks the first day that Skype officially replaces the instant messaging client.
scottish government launches app to encourage women drink less but what about the guys drinking mirror

Scottish government launches app to encourage women to drink less (but what about the guys?)

the arirang a smartphone made or boxed in north korea

Schmidt in North Korea: Google executive gets to watch students using….Google

new seismic fabric for buildings in quake prone areas

New seismic fabric offers low-cost solution for strengthening buildings in quake-prone areas

fixing yahoo social media

Yahoo Mail exploit by lone hacker sends malicious emails to victim contact lists

If you use Yahoo Mail, don't open up any suspicious links even if it's from your known contacts. An exploit is spreading malicious emails like wildfire.
Skype video call

Researchers find a way to send secret “silent” messages through Skype

Polish researchers discovered a secret way to send encrypted messages through Skype during the silent moments of your conversations.

Google’s Eric Schmidt on a private visit to North Korea

amazon launches instant video finder

Instant Video Finder: Amazon hoping new feature will help users find interesting content more easily

Terms & Conditions Foursquare privacy policy

Terms & Conditions: If you care about privacy, don’t use Foursquare

buzzfeed raises 20 million in new funding to expand

BuzzFeed raises $20 million to give you more corgis, GIFs, and celebrity listicles

BuzzFeed continues its online dominance after raising $20 million for a new expansion that will bring new voices, new platforms, and new frontiers.
Megaupload court case

Megaupload says U.S. government lied to get search warrant

blogger leaves the daily beast to go reader supported blog model sullivan

Daily Beast journalist wants all your cash to start a reader-supported blog

How much would you pay for a good blog? Political journalist Andrew Sullivan will leave the Daily Beast to rely on readers with a new crowdfunded site.
the state of browser war as we enter 2013 internetexplorer

The state of the browser war as we enter 2013

The face of Internet browsing continues to slowly shift, with Internet Explorer's market share dropping as more people take up Google's Chrome alternative.
Survey (Shutterstock alphaspirit)

Manufacturers’ sales figures seem fishy? They probably are