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Google Faces U.K. Tax Criticism

Google’s Revenue Down, But Profits Up, In First Quarter

Pirate Bay Guilty

Spanish P2P Man Gets Six Months In Jail

European Commission Sues Britain Over Phorm and Internet Privacy

Intel Sees Green Shoots Of Growth In PC Sales

Google Closes Some Features On YouTube Korea

eBay Buys Into South Korea’s Gmarket

Fraud-plagued Satyam Finds a Buyer

Street View Does Not Breach U.K. Privacy Laws

Yahoo And Microsoft In Talks…Again

Strike One: French Parliament Defeats Proposed Internet Piracy Law

Microsoft Germany Fined Nine Million Euros

Australians Promised Ultra-Fast Broadband

Government Anti-Terrorism Link Leads To…Porn

EU ISPs Start Storing Data For A Year

Village Residents Physically Block Google Street View Camera

Texas Adds Anti-Vista Rider To State Budget

What Gifts Did Obama Bring To England?

Swedish Piracy Law Cuts Internet Traffic By A Third

New Bill Would Increase U.S. Cybersecurity

Greenpeace Thumps HP, Dell, and Lenovo in Latest E-Waste Ratings

Google Fires Up Google Ventures For Start-Ups

Want Free Ad-Supported Music from Google? Check out China.

China-Based Cyber Spy Network Uncovered

EU Finds U.S. Online Gambling Laws Violate WTO Rules

You Know Times Are Bad When Google Is Letting Staff Go

Skype Handles Eight Per Cent Of All International Calls

Virgin Has 150Mb Broadband In The Pipeline For The U.K.

U.K. Government Could Monitor Social Networks

China Pulls the Plug on YouTube…Again

Complaint Urges Shutting Down Google’s Street View U.K.

Wikileaks Publishes List Of Banned Aussie Sites, Goes Offline

It’s A Whole New Meaning To The Idea Of A Finger Drive